Arhiva pentru cuvântul-cheie: Zoologie

The Moldovan office of the World Federation of Scientists (WFS) recently announced the winners of the excellence scholarship for the year 2023-2024. Doctor in biological sciences Cristina Țugulea, senior scientific researcher in the Professor Boris Vereşciaghin Laboratory of Entomology, is among those 10 doctoral students and young researchers – beneficiaries of the scholarship. She will implement the project "Monitoring of lepidopteran species (Insecta: Lepidoptera) in the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve 'Lower Prut' in the Republic of Moldova" under the supervision of Dr.Hab. Assoc.Prof. Galina...
The 9th edition of the "Traian Vuia” International Exhibition of Inventions and Innovations from Timisoara, Romania, took place between 15 and 17 June 2023. The event was organized by the "King Mihai I" University of Life Sciences from Timisoara (former "King Mihai I of Romania" Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine), in partnership with the Society of Inventors from Banat. The Institute of Zoology has participated with two works, both being appreciated with gold medals: Universal mobile complex for fish breeding (authors: Crepis Oleg, Bulat Dumitru, Zubcov Elena...
The Institute of Zoology, Moldova State University, participated in the 15th edition of the European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation EUROINVENT, which was held on 11-13 May 2023 in Iasi, Romania. The works of the institute were highly appreciated by the international jury: Method for pond farming of fish producers of cyprinids (authors: Zubcov Elena, Zubcov Natalia, Ungureanu Laurenţia, Bagrin Nina, Miron Liviu-Dan, Bulat Denis, Ciorba Petru, Bileţchi Lucia, Andreev Nadejda) – gold medal; Procedure of collecting ectoparasites from the alive Galliformes (authors: Rusu Ştefan, Erhan...