Arhiva pentru cuvântul-cheie: Zoologie

The monograph ”Entomopathogenic fungi” of authors Anna Moldovan, Natalia Munteanu-Molotievskiy, Ion Toderaș presents the micromycetes with an essential role in regulating the number of insects harmful to crops. The work includes a general characteristic of the entomopathogenic fungi, data on classification, phylogenetic relationships, biology, ecology and methods of research. Also, it presents the results of the study carried out between 2010 and 2020 regarding the development of fungal-based biopesticides for controlling pest weevils, which are based on native strains isolated from the...
The book "Noctuids (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) from the Republic of Moldova", author - Țugulea Cristina, includes the results of the faunal and ecological research of the butterflies of the Noctuidae family from the natural and anthropogenic ecosystems of the Republic of Moldova, carried out during the years 2012-2022. The faunal spectrum of noctuidae (Noctuidae) from the Republic of Moldova, which consists of 428 species, taxonomically classified into 169 genera and 17 subfamilies, was established for the first time. For the first time for the Republic of Moldova, the list of rare species from...
The book „Ichthyofauna of the Prut River (within the territorial limits of the Republic of Moldova) ”, authors – Bulat Denis, Şaptefrați Nicolae, Usatăi Marin, Bulat Dumitru, presents the results of scientific research and ichthyological observations in the macroecosystem of the Prut River under the conditions of the intensification of the anthropogenic factor. It was found that the ichthyofauna of the Prut river ecosystems is to the greatest extent influenced by habitat fragmentation, overfishing, biocontamination with alien species and the effect of climate changes. From the point of view of...