Profesor Boris Vereshchaghin Entomology laboratory


Head of laboratory - Galina Bușmachiu, doctor habilitat in biological sciences, associate professor

E-mail: [email protected]    [email protected]

Curriculum Vitae



General Information
Achieved results
Relevant publications

History of research in the field of entomology. Entomological research in the Republic of Moldova began in the XIX century with the study of harmful insects such as phylloxera, mealybug, blossom feeder etc., which caused considerable damage to agriculture. Among the first who initiated entomological research and published the results of their research were E. P. Rekalo, I. M. Krasilşcik, N. N. Vitcovski, K. K. Miller etc.  Pest attacks on annual and multiannual crops have become so severe that in 1911 was established the Bioentomological Station in Bessarabia, which operated until 1939.

In addition to profesional entomological studies, some enthusiasts have worked in the country, whose observations, together with the passion for insects, have remained in the history of national entomology in the form of entomological publications and collections. Among them we can mention E. Miller, N. Zubowsky, M. Ieniştea, A. Alexinschi, C. Hormuzaki, A. Ruşcinschi, who  became then professional entomologists, professors of biology and zoology.

In the interwar period, the entomological research between the Prut and the Dniester Rivers continued, having as priority the diversity of insects în general, the pests and the pest complexes of the agricultural crops and forests, inscribing in the history such personalities as B. Vereşceaghin, I. Lepşi, P. Şuster, G. Finţescu, C. Motăş, N. Osipov, L. Moriţa, S. Lavrov et al. Entomological research was carried out within the  Bioentomological and Viticulture Stations, and  Viticulture School from Chisinau (opened as early as 1842), in which S. Polizu, A. Ivancov, V. Popovici, P. For, W. Evstifeev (head of Viticulture Station), I.  Madan (head of Viticulture School) were worked as researchers and lecturers in the discipline of agricultural entomology.

After the formation of the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic, entomological research intensified due to the appearance and expansion of  invasive species during World War II. In that period of time, extremely dangerous insect pests from the American continent, called quarantine species, quickly entered and spread in the country, among which we mention the appearance of the San Jose scale, the fall webworm, the Colorado potato beetle etc. For the effective fight against the new dangerous pests in 1944, the studies of harmful insects were intensified at the “Plant Protection” Station subordinated to the Institute of Plant Protection of the former USSR, having as director a specialist in phylloxera and plant immunology D. Verderevskii. In 1946, in order to carry out the comprehensive research on phylloxera of  grapevine, was invited from Russia I. I. Prinţ , who was also  the head of the Plant Protection Department of the Agricultural Institute. In the entomological research of native and quarantine insects were involved  A. G. Golovin and  T. I. Bicina, who studied the San Jose scale, V.V. Vereşceaghin and V.I. Taliţkii, who studied the pests  of fruit crops, while B.V. Vereşceaghin initiated the study of a large group of plant pests such as aphids. In  that period the research  was focused, mostly,  on the identification and practical control of the pests. As a sign of gratitude for the results obtained in the fight against the phylloxera on the grapevine,  a medal which bears the name of academician I. Prinţ was instituted in Austria.

The accumulation of a large number of scientific results allowed to establish in 1946 in Chisinau the Scientific Research Base of the USSR. In the organizational chart of which was also the Zoological Research Sector, transformed into the Moldovan Branch in 1949. At the same time, appeared the first laboratories, including Entomological one – under the leadership of the famous scientist I. Prinț, who held the scientific title of academician in 1961 at the establishment of the Academy of Sciences of the Moldavian SSR.

In the Entomology Laboratory were studied and inventoried the native insect species, including pollinators; evidenced and estimated the numbers of entomophagous insects, predators and pests of agricultural crops and forest trees; the taxonomy of entomophagous insects and complex of parasitoides; insect systematics; population dynamics of insects having ecological and economic interest; monitoring of invasive allogenic insects; bioecological studies of certain species that are important for the economy etc.

Research in the field of entomology, initially condacted by academician I. Prince, contributed substantially to the inventory of insect fauna. More than 12,500 species of insects have become known in Moldova. of which about 400 species of entomophagous. Many new species have been described for science, studied the fauna, biology and ecology of some species of dendrophilic insects and harmful mites, the research being carried out by  B. Vereşciaghin, S. Plugaru, I. Plugaru, V. Taliţkii, V. Ostaficiuc, V. Stratan, I. Chiriac, Z. Neculiseanu, A. Andreev, V. Derjanschi, A. Poiras, A. Lozan etc.). Statistical methods and perforated sheets were developed to diagnose insects by entomologist P. Kiskin, created important museum collections of insects, among which we highlight the first collections collected by N. Zubowsky and R. Stepanov, pollinator collection, which includes 100 boxes of bees and bumblebees systematized and arranged by species prepared by PhD V. Stratan and  doctor habilitatus A. Andreev etc. 

Significant contributions to entomofauna research have been made by  Prinţ I. I. on phyloxera; Plugaru S. – dendrophilic entomofauna; Mîinea Raisa – sericulture; Kiskin P. – phyloxera; Andreev A. – ecology of insects; Vereşceaghin B. – (Homoptera, Aphidoidea); Chiriac – I. (Hymenoptera, Aphidiidae); Stratan V. – (Hymenoptera: Apoidea); Derjanschi V. – (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae);   Buşmachiu Galina – (Hexapoda: Collembola); Manic Gh. – (Hemiptera: Chalcidoidea); Lozan A. – (Hemiptera: Braconidae);  Dănilă A. – (Lepidoptera); Ostaficiuc V. (Coleptera: Elateridae, Staphylinidae); Poiras A. – (Coleoptera: Curculionidae); Neculiseanu Z. – (Coleoptera: Carabidae); Cilipic G.– (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae); Calestru Livia – (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae); Bacal Svetlana – (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Silphidae, Tenebrionidae, Staphylinidae, Lucanidae, Geotrupidae); Baban Elena – (Coleoptera: Carabidae, Silphidae, Cerambycidae); Mihailov Irina – (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae);  Stahi Nadejda – (Orthoptera).

The fundamental research of the Entomology laboratory is focused on estimating the diversity and functional structure of economically important terrestrial animal communities and rare species in the conditions of anthropogenic and climate changes. Study of the structural-functional organization of terrestrial animal species and communities of economic and rare interest; the current state of the insect species of economic interest, of the rare and invasive ones in the Republic of Moldova; adaptive aspects of species in the context of climatic and anthropogenic transformations.

At present, the protected natural areas of the Republic of Moldova have a special importance for maintaining and restoring the diversity of insects. At the same time, both forest and steppe nature reserves, wetlands, river meadows and floodplains can be considered refuge for the survival and conservation of useful species, maintain the ecological balance of natural ecosystems, protect rare and endangered species.

Collembola and insects collected in the Republic of Moldova have been stored in several international collections, including: GenBank from Ontario, Canada; Natural History Museum from London, Department of Entomology, collection number BMNH (E), № 2001 – 106, Great Britain; ”Musée de Zoologie de l´Université de Coimbra”, Portugal; ”Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle” from Paris, France; „Instytut Systematyki i Ewolucji Zwierzat PAN”, from Krakow, Poland;  „Muséum d’Histoare naturelle de Genève” Switzerland; Department of Biodiversity and Evolutionary Taxonomy, Wrocław University, Poland; Zoological Museum of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg etc

Over the years, researchers have collaborated with the following institutions in the Republic of Moldova: National Museum of Natural History from Chisinau; Reserves ”Plaiul Fagului”, ”Codrii”, ”Prutul de Jos”; Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection; Eco-Tiras International Association  and from abroad: ”Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle” from Paris, France; Museum of Oltenia Craiova; Museum of Natural History"Grigore Antipa" from Bucharest; The Mureş County Museum, Tîrgu-Mureș, Romania; „Instytut Systematyki i Ewolucji Zwierzat PAN”, from Krakow, Poland; the I. I. Schmalhausen Institute of Zoology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev;  Scientific and practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Bioresources etc.

One of the oldest and most fruitful collaborations of the researchers from Entomology laboratory and the researchers from the Faculty of Biology within the University “Al. I. Cuza” from Iași, Romania and especially with Prof., Dr. Ionel Andriescu, who for many years was as a member of the Specialized Scientific Council of the Institute of Zoology of the AȘM, consultant of the 2 theses of doctor habilitatus elaborated by Neculiseanu Z. and Manic Gh., scientific referent of the PhD and doctor habilitatus theses elaborated by Calestru L., Baban E., Furtună D., Derjanschi V., Poiras A. and Bușmachiu G.

Researchers from the Entomology laboratory have participated and are currently participating as researchers in the following projects:

2024-2026 National Environment Fund, „Assessment of the state of plant, fungi and animal species, development of the list of species with rarity status and the algorithm for their presentation in the 4th edition of the Red Book of the Republic of Moldova” (contract no. 01-23p-096/03-05-2024 from 27.02.2024)

2024-2027 Institutional funding, 010701 „Evaluation of the structure and functioning of animal world and aquatic ecosystems under the influence of biotic and abiotic factors in the context of ensuring ecological security and the well-being of the population” - ZOOAQUATERRA

2000-2023 State Program,  20.80009.7007.02, ”Evolutionary changes of the economically important terrestrial fauna, of the rare and protected species in the conditions of anthropic and climatic changes”.

2015-2019: Institutional fundamental project, 15.817.02.12F, ”Diversity, structure and functioning of faunal complexes in the natural and anthropogenic modified ecosystems in context of strengthening the national security strategy of the Republic of Moldova”.

2017-2018 Bilateral applicative project, 17.80013.5007.05/Ua, ”Economically important groups of parasitic Hymenoptera and their hosts in the Middle Dniester basin”.

2011-2014 Institutional applicative project, 11.817.08.16A, ”Study and elaboration of ways to regulate the herds of economically important animals and to protect rare species”.

2012 Project financed by the National Ecological Fundation, Contract nr. 1/2794-3917,Population status assessment and determining of the actual status of animal species proposed for the III edition of the Red Book (part II).

2010-2011 Project financed by the National Ecological Foundation, Contract nr. 4/2244-3169 din 18.05.2010, Assessment of the status of animal species and elaboration of rarity criteria in order to update the Red List”(part I).

2013- 2014 Project financed by the National Ecological Foundation, Contract nr. 2/3056-4373, ”Identification of invasive animal species on the territory of the Republic of Moldova and assessment of their impact on natural and antropogenic ecosystems”.

2010-2011 Institutional fundamental project, AŞM-FCFRB 10.820.08.07 BF  ”Ecological adaptation of insects (Insecta: Collembola, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera) to seasonal changes in the rivers floodplains environment in the Eastern Europe (as example of Belarus and Moldova)”.

2010-2012 Bilateral applicative project, AȘM-ANCS 10.820.04.06 RoA  ”The importance of forest strips in maintaining the entomofauna diversity in agrocenosis, their role in the protection of useful insects and the numerical regulation of harmful ones in comparative aspect between the Republic of Moldova and Romania”.

2006-2010 Institutional fundamental project, 06.411.013F ”Diversity, structural - functional organization, evolution and protection of terrestrial animal communities in agrolandshaft”.

2008-2009 Bilateral fundamental project, AŞM-FCFRB 08.820.08.02.BFBiodiversity of insects (Insecta: Collembola, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera) in the ecosystems adjacent to the rivers of Belarus and Moldova in comparative aspect”.

2005 – 2007 Bilateral Grant Program,  AȘM-MRDA-CRDF MOBI–2651–CS-05, “Nematods and Microarthropods as indicators of environmental health”.

Patent. Derjanschi Valeriu, Elisoveţcaia Dina, Calestru Livia, Stahi Nadejda, Baban Elena. Procedeu de preparare a soluţiei insecticide pentru tratarea extraradiculară a plantelor impotriva Leptinotarsa decemlineata.  MD 1135. 2016.02.15.

Galina Busmachiu
Name, surname, position: Galina BUȘMACHIU, head of laboratory
Titles:  doctor habilitat in biological sciences, associate professor
Research interest: Collembola, invertebrate ecology, entomology
Profile: ORCID    Google Scholar
E-mail: [email protected]     [email protected]
Valeriu Derjanschi
Name, surname, position: Valeriu DERJANSCHI, Principal Scientific Researcher
Titles:  doctor habilitat in biological sciences, professor
Research interest: Heteroptera, systematics and ecology of insects
Profile: ORCID    Google Scholar
E-mail: [email protected]   [email protected]
Livia Calestru
Name, surname, position: Livia CALESTRU, Leading Scientific Researcher
Titles:  Doctor in biological sciences, associate professor
Research interest: Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae, insect ecology
Profile: ORCID    Google Scholar
E-mail: [email protected]   [email protected]
Svetlana Bacal
Name, surname, position: Svetlana BACAL, Leading Scientific Researcher
Titles:  doctor in biological sciences, associate professor
Research interest: Coleoptera, systematics and ecology of beetles, invasive species of insects
Profile: ORCID    Google Scholar
E-mail: [email protected]   [email protected]
Elena Balan
Name, surname, position:  Elena ENCIU, Leading Scientific Researcher
Titles:  doctor in biological sciences, associate professor
Research interest: Coleoptera, diversity, ecology and the importance of beetles in nature and agriculture
Profile: ORCID    Google Scholar
E-mail: [email protected]     [email protected]
Name, surname, position: Cristina ȚUGULEA, Senior Scientific Researcher
Titles:  doctor in biological sciences
Research interest: Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, diversity, invasive species, crop pests
Profile: ORCID    Google Scholar
E-mail: [email protected]   [email protected]
Name, surname, position: Svetlana GROZDEVA, Scientific Researcher
Research interest: Cicadidae: diversity, systematics and ecology
Profile: ORCID   Google Scholar
E-mail: [email protected]    [email protected]
Name, surname, position: Irina CREȚU, Scientific Researcher
Research interest: Coleoptera from agrocenoses
Profile: ORCID   Google Scholar
E-mail: [email protected]
Victoria Belova
Name, surname, position: Victoria BELOVA, Trainee Scientific Researcher
Research interest: Mounting insects for the collection of the Museum of Entomology
Profile: ORCID   Google Scholar
E-mail: [email protected]    [email protected]
Ion Chiriac
Name, surname, position: Ion CHIRIAC, Senior Technician 
Titles:  doctor in biological sciences
Research interest: Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae, insect systematics and ecology


Monographs edited abroad:

  1. DERJANSCHI V.; PERICART J. Hemipteres Pentatomoidea euro-mediterraneens. V.1. Paris: Faune de France 2005, 2016 (ediția 2-a). 498 p. ISBN 978-2- 903052-38- 6.
  2. NECULISEANU Z. The Diversity and Natural History of the Beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) of the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge, New York, 2013. 148 p.
  3. NECULISEANU Z., MATALIN A. A catalogue of the ground-beetles of the Republique of Moldova (Insecta, Coleoptera, Carabidae). Bulgaria: Pensoft, 2000. 164 p.
  4. POIRAS A. Catalogues of the weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) and their host plants în the Republic of Moldova. Pensoft Publishers: Sofia-Moscow, 1998. 156 p.

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Monographs edited in the country:

  1. Cartea Roșie a Republicii Moldova. Monografie colectivă. Ediția a III-a, Chişinău: Ştiinţa, 2015. 490 p. ISBN 978-9975-67-985-5.
  2. Fauna Rezervației Biosferei „Prutul de Jos”. Nevertebrate (Collembola, Odonata, Hemiptera, Coleoptera și Lepidoptera). Sub redacția: Galina Bușmachiu. Chişinău : [S. n.], 2023 (Căpăţînă- Print), 204 p. ISBN 978-9975-3605-2-4.
  3. BACAL S. Coleopterele saproxilice din Republica Moldova.  Chişinău: S. n., 2022 (Căpăţînă-Print), 256 p. ISBN 978-9975-3472-9-7.
  4. ȚUGULEA C. Noctuidele (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) din Republica Moldova. Chişinău: S. n., 2022 (Căpăţînă-Print), 254 p. ISBN 978-9975-3472-8-0
  5. Fauna Rezervației „Plaiul Fagului”. Nevertebrate. Collembola, Odonata, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Hymeoptera și Diptera (sub red. Bușmachiu G.). Chișinău: „Capațina Print” SRL, 2021, 228 p. ISBN 595.71(478):502.74


BUȘMACHIU G. Fauna colembolelor (Hexapoda: Collembola) din Republica Moldova. Chişinău: Căpățină Print, 2021, 200 p.

     6. DERJANSCHI V., BABAN E., CALESTRU L., STAHI N., ȚUGULEA C. Catalogue of the N. Zubowsky entomological collection. Ch.: ”Bons Offices”, 2016. 296 p.           DOI:

     7. TIMUŞ A. Gracilariidele invazive din Republica Moldova. UASM „Print-Caro”, Chişinău, 2015, 140 p.

     8. TIMUŞ A., TODERAŞ I., CROITORU N. Entomofauna alogenă invaziva din Republica Moldova. UASM „Print-Caro”, Chişinău, 2015, 210 pp. ISBN 978-9975-56-322-2

   9. DERJANSCHI V., BABAN E., TIMUȘ A., ANDREEV A., GAIBU Z., STAHI N., CALESTRU L., GALUPA D., USPENSCAIA I. Atlasul speciilor de nevertebrate terestre (incluse în Cadastrul regnului animal al Republicii Moldova). Chișinău, 2012. 116 p.

 10. MANIC GH. Diversitatea şi ecologia pteromalidelor din Republica Moldova. Chişinău, "Ştiinţa", 2010. 264 p.

               11. DONIŢĂ,  URSU A., CUZA P., TICU L., BUŞMACHIU G., OSTAFCIUC V. Cercetarea ecosistemelor forestiere din rezervatia „Plaiul Fagului”. Ed. Universul,                                 Chişinău, 2007. 176 p.

               12. TODERAȘ I., VLADIMIROV M., NECULISEANU Z. Lumea animala a Moldovei. V. I. Nevertebrate. Chișinău, Î.E.P. Știința, 2007. 195 p.

               13. Natura Rezervației ”Plaiul Fagului”. Monografie colectivă. Sub redacția academicianului Andrei Ursu.  Chişinău, Tip. Universul. 2005. 432p.

               14. АНДРЕЕВ А. Оценка биоразнообразия, мониторинг и экосети. Кишинев: BIOTICA. 2002. 167c.

               15. NECULISEANU Z., STRATAN V., VEREŞCIAGHIN B., OSTAFICIUC V. Insectele rare şi pe cale de dispariţie din Moldova. Chişinău, 1992, 115 p.

               16. ЛАЗАРЬ И.С. Листовертки винограда Молдавии. Кишинев: Штиинца, 1988, 64 с.

               17. ЗИНКОВСКАЯ Л.А. Кровяная тля в Молдавии. Кишинев: Штиинца, 1987, 64 с. 

               18. ВЕРЕЩАГИН Б.В., АНДРЕЕВ А.В., ВЕРЕЩАГИНА А.Б. Тли Молдавии. Кишинев: Штиинца, 1985, 158 с.

               19. Насекомые. Животный мир Молдавии / Отв. ред. Б.В.Верещагин. Кишинев: Штиинца,1983, 375 с.

               20. КИСКИН П.Х. Определитель вредителей и болезней винограда. Кишинев: Картя Молдовеняскэ, 1964,206 с.

               21. ПРИНЦ Я.И. Вредители и болезни виноградной лозы. Москва: Сельхозиздат, 1962, 246 с.


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Articles in ISI journals:

  1. MUNJIU O., BUŞMACHIU G., ŞULEŞCO T., ȘUBERNEŢKII I. & TODERAŞ I. 2021. Review of aquatic arthropods (phylum Arthropoda) in the Republic of Moldova.  Acta Zoologica Bulgarica, 73 (1): 31-50.  (IF = 0,354).
  2. ȘULEȘCO, T.; ERISOZ KASAP, O.; HALADA, P.; GIZEM, O.; RUSNAC, D.; GRESOVA, M.; ALTEN, B.; VOLF, P.; DVORAK, V. 2021. Phlebotomine sand fly survey in the Republic of Moldova: species composition, distribution and host preferences. Parasites & Vectors. DOI:10.21203/ = 3,4)
  3. MATEOS E., ESCUER P., BUȘMACHIU G., RIUTORT M., ÁLVAREZ-PRESAS M. 2018. Untangling Lepidocyrtus Bourlet, 1839 (Collembola, Entomobryidae): new molecular data gives light to the European groups relationships. Invertebrate Systematics 32(3) 639-651. IF =  2,172
  4. TURGAY SERIK, HACI HUSEYIN CEBECI, DERJANSCHI VALERIU. Effect of land use on butterfly (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) diversity in the Republic of Moldova. In: Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2018, 27(7), p. 4980-4985. ISSN 1018-4619.  IF = 0,673
  5. BUŞMACHIU G., KOVÁČ L., MIKLISOVÁ D., WEINER W. 2017. Riparian Collembola (Hexapoda) communities of northern Moldova, Eastern Europe. ZooKeys. 724:119-134.doi: 10.3897/zookeys.724.12478. IF = 1.031
  6. MOLOTIEVSKIY NATALIA, MOLDOVAN ANNA, BACAL SVETLANA, TODERAȘ ION.  Beetle population structure at the crossroads of biogeographic regions in Eastern Europe: The case of Tatianaerhynchites aequatus (Coleoptera: Rhynchitidae). North-Western Journal of Zoology . June 2016, Vol. 12 Issue 1, pp. 166-177. 12 p. IF =0. 843
  7. VARGOVITSH R. S., BUŞMACHIU, G. 2015. A new species and new records of Arrhopalitidae (Collembola: Symphypleona) from the Republic of Moldova. Zootaxa, 3973 (3): 539-552. IF = 1.06 doi: 10.11646/zootaxa.3973.3.8.
  8.  BUŞMACHIU, G., BEDOS, A., DEHARVENG, L. 2015.Collembolan species diversity of the calcareous canyons of the Republic of Moldova. ZooKeys, 506: 95-108. doi:10.3897/zookeys.506.8643, IF= 0.917
  9. BUŞMACHIU G., POPA I., WEINER W. Collembola (Hexapoda) from eastern Carpathians, Romania, with description of Hymenaphorura ioni sp. nov. Annales Zoologici. Warsaw, 2014, 64(4): 549-555. IF=0,96.
  10. BUŞMACHIU G., WEINER W. Collembola from the Moldavian banks of Dniester river. New records. Annales Zoologici. Warsaw, 2013. 63(4): 529-535., IF=0,66.
  11. PORCO D., POTAPOV M., BEDOS A., BUȘMACHIU G., WEINER W. M., KROUA S. H., DEHARVENG L. Cryptic diversity in the ubiquist species Parisotoma notabilis (Collembola, Isotomidae): a long used chimeric species? PLOS ONE, 2012, 7 (9), p.1–8.  doi: 10.3161/000345413X676759, IF=3,73.
  12. BUŞMACHIU G., DEHARVENG L., WEINER W. M. A new species of the genus Lathriopyga CAROLI, 1910 (Collembola: Neanuridae: Neanurinae) from the Republic of Moldova. Zootaxa, 2010, 1639, p. 53–58. IF=0,85.
  13. BUŞMACHIU G., WEINER W. M. Species of Xenylla (Collembola: Hypogastruridae) from the Republic of Moldova, with description of Xenylla andrzeji sp. nov. Zootaxa, 2008, 1959, p. 65–68. IF=0,74.
  14.  BUŞMACHIU G., DEHARVENG L. Neanurinae and Morulininae of Moldova (Collembola: Neanuridae), with description of Neanura moldavica sp.nov. Zootaxa, 2008, 1714, p. 61–66. IF=0,74.
  15. RANIUS T., AGUADO L. O., ANTONSSON K., AUDISIO P., BALLERIO A., CARPANETO G. M., CHOBOT K., GJURASIN B.,HANSSEN O., HUIJBREGTS H., LAKATOS F., MARTIN O., NECULISEANU Z., NIKITSKY N. B., PAILL W., PIRNAT A., RIZUN V., RUIC|NESCU A., STEGNER J., SÜDA I., SZWAKO P., TAMUTIS V., TELNOV D., TSINKEVICH V., VERSTEIRT V.,VIGNON V., VÖGELI M., ZACH P. Osmoderma eremita (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Cetoniinae) in Europe. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, Barcelona, 2005, 28.1 : 1-44. IF=0.48
  16. GAMA DA M. M., BUȘMACHIU G. Especes nouvelles du genre Pseudosinella provenant de la Мoldavie et d’Ukraine (Collembola:Entomobryidae). XVII contribution. Revue suisse de Zoologie, 2004, 111(4), p. 743 – 747. itemdetails/128496, IF=0,65.
  17. GAMA DA M. M., BUȘMACHIU G. Systematique evolutive des Pseudosinella XVI. Especes edaphiques de la Moldavie. Revue suisse de Zoologie, 2002, 109 (4), p. 679 – 685., IF=0,65.



  1. DERJANSCHI V., ELISOVEŢCAIA D., CALESTRU L., STAHI N., BABAN E. Procedeu de preparare a soluţiei insecticide pentru tratarea extraradiculară a plantelor impotriva Leptinotarsa decemlineata. Brevet de invenţie. MD 1135. 2016.02.15.
  2. MUNTEANU N., TODERAŞ I., MOLDOVAN A., MALEVANCIUC N., TODERAŞ L.,  BACAL S., RAILEAN N. Tulpină de bacterii Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki - bioinsecticid pentru combaterea lepidopterelor din genul Lymantria. MD 4304. 2014.09.30. 


Guides and methodical works:

  1. BUȘMACHIU, Galina, MUNJIU, Oxana. Libelulele (Insecta: Odonata) din Republica Moldova. Ghid. Chişinău: [S. n.], 2024 (Căpăţînă-Print), 100 p. ISBN ISBN 978-9975-3675-7-8. DOI:
  2. BUȘMACHIU, Galina, ENCIU, Elena, BACAL, Svetlana, ȚUGULEA, Cristina, GROZDEVA, Svetlana, MIHAILOV, Irina, CALESTRU, Livia. Metode de cercetare a colembolelor și insectelor. Ghid metodologic. Chișinău: [S.n.], 2023 (Căpățină Print), 72 p., ISBN 978-9975-3644-1-6.
  3. BACAL, Svetlana. Coleopterele saproxilice și rolul lor pentru ecosistemele forestiere. Ghid științifico-metodic. Chișinău: [S.n.], 2023 (Căpățină Print), 94 p. ISBN 978-9975-3644-4-7.
  4. GROZDEVA, Svetlana. Cicadele (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) dendrobionte și tamnobionte din Republica Moldova. Ghid metodologic. Chișinău: [S.n.], 2023 (Căpățină Print), 108 p. ISBN 978-9975-3644-3-0.
  5. BACAL S., COCÎRȚĂ P., MUNTEANU N. Ghid științifico-practic.     Metode și echipament de colectare a artropodelor. Chișinău, 2014. 88 pag.
  6. TĂLĂMBUŢĂ N., CHIHAI O., BABAN E. Ecologia hemosporidiilor din genul Plasmodiu. Elaborare metodică. Chişinău, 2010. 28p.


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  1. JOSU V., LOZAN A., ANDREEV S., BUȘMACHIU G., AJDER V., COȚOFANĂ I. Protejăm natura prin rețeaua Emerald. Chişinău, 2015. 24 p.
  2. NECULISEANU Z., DĂNILĂ A., BABAN E., NECULISEANU Z. (jun.). Nevertebratele saproxilice şi pădurile de importanţă internaţională din rezervaţiile ştiinţifice „Pădurea Domnească” şi „Plaiul Fagului”. Chişinău, 2002. 75 p.
  3. NECULISEANU Z., CHIRTOACĂ V., DĂNILĂ A., BABAN E., NECULISEANU Z.(jun.). Biodiversitatea rezervaţiei peisagistice “Teliţa”. Chişinău, 2003. 116 p.
  4. NECULISEANU Z., STRATAN V., VEREŞCIAGHIN B. Insectele incluse în “Cartea Roşie” a Moldovei. Ecologia şi protecţia mediului înconjurător în Moldova, 1992, 74 p.