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Head of the laboratory: Zubcov Elena, correspondent member of ASM, research professor, doctor habilitat in biological sciences Address: 1 Academiei str., Chişinău, R. Moldova, off. 326, 332-337. Telefon/Fax: (37322) 737-509 E-mail: [email protected]
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The hydrobiological research on the territory of the Republic of Moldova have obtained a systematic character since 1947, within the group of hydrobiology of the Section of Zoology - subdivision of the Moldovan Scientific Research Base of the Academy of Sciences of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), and since 1957 - within the Laboratory of Hydrobiology of the Institute of Biology of the Moldovan Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, under the leadership of Mihail Iaroşenco, doctor habilitat in biological sciences, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the MSSR.
In 1962 the leadership of the laboratory was taken over by Anatol Naberejnâi, doctor in biological sciences. The laboratory team was carrying out complex scientific research in the field of hydrochemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, algology, protozoology, planktonic and benthic fauna from aquatic ecosystems (rivers, streams, ponds) on the territory of the Moldovan Soviet Socialist Republic (MSSR). The research was focused on studying the chemical and hydrobiological composition of various types of water basins, in order to provide a biological background for the rational use of aquatic resources.
In 1971 the laboratory began conducting a research topic commissioned by the State Committee for Science and Technology of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on assessing the sanitary-hydrobiological status of aquatic ecosystems in the country, namely the influence of different types of wastewater, their capacity of self-treatment, and secondary pollution, to substantiate the measures of conservation, protection and improvement of water quality in the main aquatic ecosystems. At that time, about 30 researchers were working in the laboratory, including an academician (Mihail Iaroşenco), 7 doctors in sciences (Anatol Naberejnâi, Teodor Cioric, Mihail Vladimirov, Semion Bâzgu, Arietta Nicolaeva, Maria Negru, Grigorie Bevza) and several young researcher (Ion Toderaș, Elena Zubcov, Igor Șubernețkii). The last continue their scientific activity in the field up to now.
In 1976, the Institute of Zoology was reorganized into the Institute of Experimental Zoology and Physiology (in 1978 - named the Institute of Zoology and Physiology), led by academician Teodor Furdui. It included the Laboratory of Applied Hydrobiology (head of laboratory - Teodor Cioric, doctor in biological sciences) and the Laboratory of Biohydrochemistry (head of laboratory - Gheorghii Gorbatenikii).
The research of the Laboratory of Applied Hydrobiology were focused on: 1) the study of the biological and ecological particularities of freshwater hydrobionts, in order to direct their productivity; 2) elaboration of scientific bases of the growth, at industrial level, of the biomass of economically valuable hydrobiont species, for use in animal breeding; 3) development of industrial pisciculture; 4) establishing the functional role of some groups of hydrobionts in maintaining the natural balance of ecosystems of different types and watercourses. Later, the Laboratory of Applied Hydrobiology was named Laboratory of Ecology of Hydrobionts.
The activity of the Laboratory of Biohydrochemistry included the study of biochemical processes in natural and waste waters, the elaboration of scientific bases for the protection of aquatic resources, the selection of the most efficient methods of using solid and liquid wastes of food and hydrolysis enterprises, including for obtaining, at industrial level, of new products (eg. gluten), used as feed for animals.
In 1991, with the separation of the Institute of Zoology from the Institute of Physiology, the laboratories were reorganized. Thus, the Laboratory of Ecology of Hydrobionts changed the name into the Laboratory of Hydrobiology, the head of the laboratory being Teodor Cioric, doctor habilitat in biological sciences, professor, who at that time was also holding the position of the director in the Institute of Zoology. In 1992, with the passing away of T. Cioric, the leadership of the Laboratory of Hydrobiology was taken over by Mihail Vladimirov, doctor in biological sciences.
The Laboratory of Biohydrochemistry was renamed the Laboratory of Hydrochemistry. In the same year, 1991, Vasile Rusu, doctor in chemical sciences, became head of the Laboratory of Hydrochemistry.
In 1997, there was created the group of ecotoxicology (head of group - Elena Zubcov, doctor in geographical sciences) as a separate subdivision of the institute. Later, in 2000, by merging the Laboratory of Hydrochemistry, the Laboratory of Hydrobiology and the group of ecotoxicology, the Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Ecotoxicology was created, which was led until 2019 by Elena Zubcov, currently a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, research professor, doctor habilitat in biological sciences.
The scientific directions of the Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Ecotoxicology are the determination of the structure and functioning of communities of hydrobionts, quantification of biological migration of ecotoxicants and self-purification processes in natural and anthropogenic aquatic ecosystems, establishment of the share of influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on the functioning of aquatic ecosystems, and elaboration of recommendations for the recovery of their ecological status and sustainable use of aquatic resources.
The laboratory team has realized 11 national projects, with basic and applied character (institutional, for young researchers, within the State programs) and 10 international projects, 7 of which - with financing from outside the country.
In 2020, the leadership of the laboratory was taken over by Nadejda Andreev, doctor in biological sciences. Currently, the laboratory is carrying out one project within the State Program 2020-2023 and two international projects.
Finalised national projects
- 15.817.02.27 A. Establishing the structure, functioning, tolerance of hydrobiont communities and developing the scientific principles of the management of bioproductivity of aquatic ecosystems –AQUASYS/ applicative institutional project, 2015-2019, project head – Zubcov Elena
- System of monitoring of the quality of fishery products to ensure food security in the Republic of Moldova/ project within the State Program „Food security and safety during the period of demographic transition”, 2018-2019, project head – Zubcov Elena
- 11.817.08.15A Assessment of diversity, peculiarities of ecological successions, and elaboration on the methodology of integrated monitoring of aquatic ecosystems in the context of the European Directives/ applicative institutional project, 2010-2014, project head – Zubcov Elena
- 10.08.079F Biological invasions and their impact on the diversity, structure and functioning of natural and anthropic ecosystems in the Republic of Moldova/ fundamental institutional project, 2011-2014, project head – Toderaş Ion
- 11.832.08.04A Assessment of biodiversity, ecological successions of aquatic ecosystems of the lower sector of the Prut River in the current conditions/ project within the State Program „Scientific and management research of water quality”, 2011-2012, project head – Zubcov Elena
- 09.832.08.07A Revealing the water quality and the state of hydrobiocenoses of the aquatic ecosystems from the lower sector of the Prut River/ project within the State Program „Scientific and management research of water quality”, 2009-2010, project head – Zubcov Elena
- 06.411.012F Study of biodiversity, functioning of hydrobiocenoses in order to determine the support capacity of aquatic ecosystems (fluvial and lacustric) depending on natural and anthropogenic factors/ fundamental institutional project, 2006-2010, project head - Zubcov Elena
- 06.411.014A Estimating the role of some groups of terrestrial, aquatic, zoo- and phytoparasitic animals of economic interest, developing the measures of monitoring, sustainable use of useful species and combating harmful ones/ applicative institutional project, 2006-2010, project head – Toderaş Ion
- 11.819.08.04A Assessment of the diversity, structure and functional status of ichthyocenoses of the wetland linked to the aquatic ecosystems of the Lower Prut/ project for young researchers, 2011-2012, project head - Bulat Denis
- 10.819.04.02A Estimating the ecological status and developing proposals for the sustainable use of the biological resources of piscicolous ecosystems/ project for young researchers, 2010-2011, project head - Bagrin Nina
- 07.407.26 INDA Elucidation of the role and elaboration of methods of the use of microelements in aquaculture/ project for young researchers, 2007-2008, project head - Zubcov Natalia
Finalised international projects
- financed from the estate budget
- 15.820.18.02.06/B Assessment of the impact of populations of invasive bivalve mollusk on planktonic communities of aquatic ecosystems of the Republic of Moldova and Belarus/ Bilateral collaboration program between the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and the Republican Fund for Fundamental Research in Belarus, 2015-2016, project head – Ungureanu Laurenţia
- 14.820.18.02.01/U Elaboration of the principles of complex hydrobiological monitoring of the technological ecosystems of the energy enterprises – EQUAENERGO/ Bilateral cooperation program between the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and the National Agency on Science, Innovation and Informatization of Ukraine, 2014-2015, project head - Zubcov Elena
- 06.26.CRF Role of dominant species of molluscs in biogenic migration of metals and in the self-cleaning processes of the aquatic ecosystems/ Program of technical-scientific collaboration between the Academy of Sciences of Moldova and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, 2006-2007, project head - Zubcov Elena
- financed by foreign funds
- MIS ETC 1676 Cross-border interdisciplinary cooperation for the prevention of natural disasters and mitigation of environmental pollution in Lower Danube Euroregion –INPOLDE/ Joint Operational Program Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013, 2013-2015, project head - Zubcov Elena
- MIS ETC 1150 Project resources pilot centre for cross-border preservation of the aquatic biodiversity of Prut River/ Joint Operational Program Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013, 2012-2015, project head – Toderaş Ion
- MOBI-2651-CS-05 Nematodes and microarthropods as indicators of environmental health/ CRDF, 2005-2007, project head – Toderaş Ion
- BGP III MOBI-3051-CS/03 Accumulation and effect of trace elements on fish growth and development/ CRDF-MRDA, 2005-2007, project head – Zubcov Natalia
- BPP -03-06 Elaboration of growth technology of Kefal Pelingas/ CRDF-MRDA, 2005- 2006, project head – Zubcov Elena
- MBI-3002 Assessment of current status of biodiversity and water quality in Dniester river/ CRDF-MRDA, 2001-2003, project head – Ungureanu Laurenţia
- Quality monitoring & quality assurance of freshwater and seawater aquaculture fish/ 1999-2002, INCO-COPERNICUS, project head – Zubcov Elena
Undergoing projects
- 20.80009.7007.06 Determining the changes of aquatic environment, assessing the migration and impact of pollutants, establishing the patterns of the functioning of hydrobiocenoses and preventing the negative effects on ecosystems – AQUABIO / project within the State Program 2020-2023, project head – Zubcov Elena
- eMS BSB 165 Creating a system of innovative transboundary monitoring of the Black Sea river ecosystems transformation under impacts of hydropower development and climate change, HydroEcoNex/ UE ENI CBC Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020; 2018-2021, project head – Zubcov Elena
- eMS BSB 27 Black Sea Basin interdisciplinary cooperation network for sustainable joint monitoring of environmental toxicants migration, improved evaluation of ecological state and human health impact of harmful substances, and public exposure, MONITOX/ UE ENI CBC Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020; 2018-2021, project head – Zubcov Elena
Technical endowment
In 2007-2008, the Laboratory for Hydrobiology and Ecotoxicology, in the framework of a range of projects, was endowed with new equipment and accessories: spectrophotometer T 80, UV-VIS, digital camera, axis balance, analytical balances, notebook Samsung NP-P29, and water distilator.
In 2008, thanks to a collaboration agreement with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation for Republic of Moldova, the laboratory benefited by modern equipment donation, accompanied by necessary accessories and reagents: atomic absorption spectrophotometer AAS Analyst-400, chromatograph Clarus-500 FID ECD, calcinations oven Nabertherm CV3/11/B170, pH-meter Sartorius PB 11-P11, etc.
This equipment allowed reaching a new level in basic and applied researches, opening of new possibilities for carrying on the national and international projects, enlarging the possibilities of the laboratory in the field of quantitative analyses, monitoring the quality of water and products, including fish ones.
The laboratory has greatly increased its research capacity thanks to the international projects MIS ETC 1150 and MIS ETC 1676. Thus, the following were procured and put into operation: ICP OES inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometer ICAP 6000, Specord 230+ spectrophotometer, ultra high-performance liquid chromatographic (UHPLC) system Flexar FX 20, Axio Imager А.2 microscope (Zeiss), Axio Imager А.2 microscope for epi-fluorescence (Zeiss), Stereo Discovery binocular. V8 (Zeiss), Berghof digestion system SPEEDWAVE, Berghof acid distillation system, Hettich Rotina 420 centrifuge. In addition, two cars were purchased for field work.
![]() Fig. 1 Atomic absorption spectrophotometer Analyst-400 with auto sampler AS-800 (Perkin Elmer, USA) |
![]() Fig. 2 Spectrometer Thermo Scientific iCAP 6200 Duo (Thermo Fisher Scientific, United Kingdom |
![]() Fig. 3 Spectrophotometer UV-VIS SPECORD® 210 PLUS |
![]() Fig. 4 Gas chromatoghraph Clarus 500 with auto sampler and TurboMatrix HS 40 Trap |
![]() Fig. 5 UHPLC Flexar FX 20 |
![]() Fig. 6 Microscope Axio Imager А.2 (Zeiss) and binocular SteREO Discovery V8 (Zeiss) |
Training of scientific personnel
A range of theses of doctor and doctor habilitat in the field of hydrobiology, hydrochemistry and aquatic ecology were prepared in the Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Ecotoxicology and publicly defended:
Borodin Natalia. Migration of nutritive elements and their role in the ecosystems of the Dniester River and the Prut River. Ph. D. thesis in biological sciences. Speciality: Hydrobiology, ichthyology, 2016
Tumanova Daria. Planktonic algae in the biologic monitoring of river and lake ecosystem status. Ph. D. thesis in biological sciences. Speciality: Hydrobiology, ichthyology, 2016
Filipenco Elena. Diversity and role of macrophyte in the ecosystem of Cuciurgan reservoir. Ph. D. thesis in biological sciences. Speciality: Hydrobiology, ichthyology, 2016
Tihonencova Lilia. Assessment of the impact of the Thermal Power Plant on the ecological status of Cuciurgan cooling reservoir. Ph. D. thesis in biological sciences. Speciality: Ecology, 2016
Jurminskaia Olga. The evaluation of the state of biocenosis of activated sludge and the creation of expert system database. Ph. D. thesis in biological sciences. Speciality: Hydrobiology, ichthyology, 2012
Ungureanu Laurenția. Diversity and peculiarities of phytoplankton communities functioning in the water ecosystems of the Republic of Moldova. Thesis of doctor habilitat in biological sciences. Speciality: Ecology, 2011
Arcan Elena. The role of some reproductive forms in invertebrate animals in productivity of aquatic ecosystems. Ph. D. thesis in biological sciences. Speciality: Ecology, 2010
Munjiu Oxana. The influence of nutritive and toxic substances on the dominant species of hydrobionts in the Prut River. Ph. D. thesis in biological sciences. Speciality: Hydrobiology, ichthyology, 2006
Climenco Vitalie. Structure and functioning of zooplankton communities in aquatic ecosystems of the Dniester River basin. Speciality: Hydrobiology, ichthyology, 2006
Boicenco Nina. Migration of nutritive and toxic elements in Reut and Byc – the tributaries of the Dniester River. Ph. D. thesis in biological sciences. Speciality: Hydrobiology, 2003
Jafar Mohammed Hussein Al Widyan. The impact of thermal power plant on the ecologic state of cooling reservoir. Ph. D. thesis in biological sciences. Speciality: Hydrobiology, 2002
Zubcov Natalia. Accumulation patterns and the role of trace elements in ontogenesis of cyprinid fish species. Ph. D. thesis in biological sciences. Speciality: Ichthyology, 2001
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Zubcov Elena Titles: correspondent member of ASM, research professor, doctor habilitat in biological sciences Position: Head of laboratory Research interest: development of the methodology of research of aquatic ecosystems, determination of the regularities of migration and circuit of chemical substances, the role of biologically active and toxic substances on productivity and development of hydrobiocenoses, the tolerance limits and the role of hydrobionts in the circuit of chemicals and self-cleaning processes, elaboration of new processes and technologies in fish farming, aquaculture and methodologies on ecotoxicological investigations, monitoring and sustainable use of aquatic resources. Profile: ORCID Google Scholar E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] |
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Ungureanu Laurenţia Titles: correspondent member of ASM, research professor, doctor habilitat in biological sciences Position within the laboratory: - Research interest: diversity, the multiannual and seasonal successions of the communities of planktonic algae, the production possibilities of phytoplankton, the influence of nutrients and microelements-metals on the production-destruction processes, the trophicity level, the multiannual fluctuations of the level of saprobity and water quality, the capacity of auto-purification of aquatic ecosystems with varying degrees of anthropogenic impact. Profile: ORCID Google Scholar E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] |
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Şuberneţkii Igor Titles: associate professor, doctor in biological sciences Position: Leading Scientific Researcher Research interest: biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems, quality of natural waters in dependence of the characteristics of bacterioplankton, zooplankton, and macrozoobenthos, trophic basis of aquatic ecosystems, production-destruction processes, and self-purification capacity of surface waters. Profile: ORCID Google Scholar E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] |
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Bagrin Nina Titles: associate professor, doctor in biological sciences Position: Leading Scientific Researcher Research interest: assessment of water quality according to hydrochemical indices, the impact of pollution sources on water quality, forms of migration of chemical elements in natural waters, the use of various chemicals to increase the natural productivity of ponds. Profile: ORCID Google Scholar E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] |
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Zubcov Natalia Titles: associate professor, doctor in biological sciences Position: Leading Scientific Researcher Research interest: the functioning of aquatic ecosystems, in particular, the dynamics of heavy metals in the abiotic components of aquatic ecosystems, the role and legitimacy of microelement accumulation in fish ontogenesis. Profile: ORCID Google Scholar E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] |
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Munjiu Oxana Titles: associate professor, doctor in biological sciences Position: Leading Scientific Researcher Research interest: the biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems, evaluation of the structure and functioning of hydrobiont communities (macrozoobenthos) in aquatic ecosystems of different types, depending on the state of the aquatic environment, determination of the state of habitats, level of eutrophication, and the production processes of different groups of zoobenthos. Profile: ORCID Google Scholar E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] |
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Bileţchi Lucia Titles: associate professor, doctor in biological sciences Position within the laboratory: - Research interest: biological monitoring of aquatic ecosystems, aimed at revealing the peculiarities of migration of chemical elements in various components of aquatic ecosystems, identifying the level of pollution of aquatic ecosystems, determining the role of hydrobionts (macrophytes, mollusks, fish) in the accumulation of trace elements, including metals. Profile: ORCID Google Scholar E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] |
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Jurminskaia Olga Title: doctor in biological sciences Position: Senior Scientific Researcher Research interest: the hydrochemical and hydrobiological parameters - indicators of water quality in aquatic ecosystems, in particular: thermal regime, acidification, oxygen regime, qualitative and quantitative parameters of bacterioplankton, evaluation of self-purification indices of surface water bodies, laboratory modelling of the impact of toxic compounds on the process of biochemical consumption of oxygen. Profile: ORCID Google Scholar E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] |
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Negru Maria Titles: associate professor, doctor in biological sciences Position: Senior Scientific Researcher Research interest: aquatic microbiology - the main functional groups of microorganisms, production and destruction processes in aquatic ecosystems, the correlation between bacterioplankton development and environmental abiotic components Profile: ORCID Google Scholar E-mail: [email protected]
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Borodin Natalia Title: doctor in biological sciences Position: Senior Scientific Researcher Research interest: evaluation of the quality of water of aquatic ecosystems by determining the content of biogenic elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon, iron) and their compounds, appreciation of the role of different abiotic and biotic factors in the dynamics of the content of biogenic elements. Profile: ORCID Google Scholar E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] |
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Tumanova Daria Title: doctor in biological sciences Position: Leading Scientific Researcher Research interest: diversity of phytoplankton, assessment of the water quality in aquatic ecosystems based on indicator algae species, phytoplankton as component of trophic base in natural and artificial water bodies, the role of abiotic and biotic factors in the development of phytoplankton and the impact of anthropogenic factors. Profile: ORCID Google Scholar E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] |
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Lebedenco Liubovi Position: Scientific Researcher Research interest: evaluation of the diversity, density, biomass and production of zooplankton invertebrate communities in aquatic ecosystems, assessment of the water quality according to biological parameters (based on the parameters of zooplankton communities). Profile: ORCID Google Scholar E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] |
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Ivanova Anastasia Title: doctor in biological sciences Position: Senior Scientific Researcher Research interest: chemical composition of natural waters, in particular, the content of persistent organic pollutants in aquatic ecosystems. Profile: ORCID Google Scholar E-mail: |
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Ciorba Petru Position: Scientific Researcher Research interest: the dynamics and migration of macro- and microelements in the water-suspension-hydrobionts system. Profile: ORCID Google Scholar E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] |
Seasonal dynamics of hydrochemical parameters (oxygen regime, pH, water temperature, content of suspensions, main ions, biogenic elements and organic matter in water) in lentic and lotic ecosystems was established.
Characteristics of bacterio- and phytoplankton production and destruction of organic matter in aquatic ecosystems of different types (lentic and lotic) were determined.
Taxonomic diversity and quantitative parameters (number, biomass) of the phyto-, zooplankton and benthic invertebrate communities were investigated.
Methodology of integrated monitoring of aquatic ecosystems in the context of European directives was promoted.
Rare and endangered benthic invertebrate species, as Theodoxus transversalis, Crassiana crassa crassa, Palingenia longicauda, Gomphus flavipes, Aphelocheirus (aphelocheirus) aestivalis, Anabolia furcata (in addition to those included in the 3rd edition of the Red Book of the Republic of Moldova), were identified.
Species of allogeneic benthic invertebrates with invasive potential – Corbicula fluminea, Sinanodonta woodiana, Dreissena rostriformis bugensis, Ferrissia fragilis, Branchiura sowerbyi – were identified.
Level of eutrophication of aquatic ecosystems, based on the number of total bacterioplankton, biomass of phytoplankton, number and biomass of zooplankton, content of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, was determined.
Quality class of surface waters, based on hydrochemical and hydrobiological parameters, according to the provisions of the Regulation on environmental quality requirements for surface waters No. 890/2013 was appreciated.
Saprobity of waters of the Dniester and Prut rivers, based on qualitative and quantitative parameters of phytoplankton, zooplankton and zoobenthos, was determined.
Self-purification capacity of waters in the Dniester and Prut rivers, the limits of tolerance of hydrobiont communities of the pollution and other types of human intervention was evaluated.
Possibility of using the surface waters for various purposes (drinking water, irrigation, fish farming, etc.), depending on its chemical composition, was assessed.
Impact of the construction of dams on the Dniester and Prut rivers, with the purpose of electricity generation, on the functioning of downstream aquatic ecosystems was appreciated.
Cases of water quality metamorphosis and chemical pollution of watercourses were highlighted.
Chemical composition of water of the Răut and Bâc rivers – the main tributaries of the Dniester River on the territory of the Republic of Moldova – was analysed.
Biodiversity, the ecological successions of the aquatic ecosystems of the lower sector of the Prut River in the period following the massive floods of 2008 and 2010 were assessed.
Impact of thermal pollution, caused by the operation of the Cuciurgan Thermal Power Plant, on the functioning of the ecosystem of cooling lake was appreciated.
Level of accumulation of trace elements, especially heavy metals, in the abiotic (water, silts) and biotic (macrophytes, mollusks, fish) components of aquatic ecosystems was determined and the processes of migration of chemical elements in food chains were evaluated.
Temporal and spatial regularities of accumulation of metals in hydrobionts in natural ecosystems, of their accumulation depending on tissue, organ, and stage of ontogenetic development (fish) were revealed.
Residual amounts of organochlorine compounds (4.4'-DDE, 4.4'-DDD, γ-BHC, 4.4'-DDT, endrin aldehyde, endrin ketone, endosulfan sulfate) in water and bottom sediments of the Dniester and Prut rivers were found.
Influence of metals on 1) in situ production and destruction processes; 2) biochemical oxygen consumption; 3) the degree of accumulation of microelements-metals in some species of microscopic algae and bivalve molluscs was experimentally determined.
Content of metals in autochthonous and imported fishery products (fresh and frozen fish) was determined.
Methods of the use of biologically active substances (microelements, furostanol glycoside) in fish farming, in order to increase fish productivity, were elaborated.
Based on the study of the content of biogenic elements in the pond water, recommendations were made for the rational use of phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers in fish farming.
Potential production of bentophagous fish in the Dniester and Prut rivers, which could be obtained due to the trophic potential of zoobenthos, was calculated.
A process of breeding carp, silver carp, bighead carp, grass carp and pelingas mullet Mugil so-iuy Basilewsky in polyculture was proposed, etc.
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Innovations in the field of pisciculture
- ZUBCOV, E.; ZUBCOV, N.; UNGUREANU, L.; BILEŢCHI, L.; BAGRIN, N.; BORODIN, N.; LEBEDENCO, L. Process for the development of natural nutritive base of fish ponds. Patent no. 449, BOPI no. 12, 2011.
The process includes introduction into the pond water of cobalt (as cobalt chloride) and manganese (as manganese chloride or potassium permanganate) before stocking the pond with larvae or fry and after stocking with two-year or yearling fish. The result of the invention is to increase the biomass of phyto-and zooplankton. - ZUBCOV, E.; ZUBCOV, N.; PERNAI, V. Process for fish breeding in polyculture. Patent no. 3408, BOPI no. 10, 2007.
The process includes the preparation of the growing pond, its stocking in March with carp, silver carp, bighead carp and grass carp alevins, and in the first ten-day period of July - with pelingas mullet (Mugil so-iuy Basilewsky) alevins. The density of stocking, average weight of alevins, and the conditions of their subsequent growing in controlled conditions during 3 years are given. The result of the invention consists in increasing the fish productivity. - CHINTEA, P.; ZUBCOV, E.; UNGUREANU, L. Process for cultivation of green algae. Patent no. 2046, BOPI no. 12, 2002 (in collaboration with the Institute of Genetics of ASM)
The invention proposes de conditions of cultivation of green algae, including composition of nutrient medium, duration, temperature. The result of the invention consists in increasing by 2-3 times of the biomass of green algae. The invention may be used for mass production of microalgae as food for phytophagous fish. - CHINTEA, P.; ZUBCOV, E.; ZUBCOV, N. Process for increasing the biological resistance of fishes at the early growth stages. Patent no. 1910, BOPI no. 5, 2002 (in collaboration with the Institute of Genetics of ASM)
Summary of the invention consists in treating the fecundated fish spawn with aqueous solution of furostanol glycoside - a biologically active substance. The result of the invention consists in increasing the spawn resistance, in a more synchronic development of the embryos and in a 5…8% increase of the resistant three-day larvae hatch. - ZUBCOV, E.; TODERAŞ, I.; ZUBCOV, N.; TODERAŞ, A. Process for increasing the fish resistance in early development stage. Patent no. 1116, BOPI no. 12, 1998 (in collaboration with the State University of Moldova)
Summary of the invention consists in the fact that the fecundated fish spawn is treated with the biologic active, as a biologic active substance there is used the copper, zinc and manganese microelements water solution. The technical result consists in increasing the larvae and recent fries yield and resistance thereof. - ZUBCOV, E.; TODERAŞ, L.; TURIATCO, I.; ZUBCOV, N. Process for artificial reproduction of the grey mullet pilengas. Patent no. 1016, BOPI no. 9, 1998 (in collaboration with the State University of Moldova)
The invention relates to the industrial production of young grey mullet pilengas from the brood fish acclimatized in the conditions of Black sea estuaries. There is described the selection of brood fish, stimulation of the female and male puberty by staged introduction of carp acetonated hypophysis suspension, fecundation of the produced spawn and incubation of fecundated spawn. The technical result of the invention consists in increasing of the fecundated spawn quantity and increasing of the larva hatching.
Innovations in the field of biological chemistry
- ZUBCOV, E.; TODERAŞ, I.; ZUBCOV, N.; BILEŢCHI, L. Method for determination of strontium in the hydrobionts. Patent no. 1080, BOPI no.10, 1998 (in collaboration with the State University of Moldova)
The invention relates to methods for determination of microelements in the biologic materials and may be used at the study of distribution, collection and separation of strontium from the hydrobionts. Method consists in selection of samples, tests and standards preparation, burning thereof in the spectrograph in electrical arc, spectrum photometry and obtained results estimation. For preparation of the tests and standards it is used a spectral base containing carbon, potassium sulphate and cerium sulphate, by using cerium as an internal standard. The technical result consists in providing the complete samples burning in the spectrograph.
Innovations in the field of biotechnology
- UNGUREANU, L.; GHEORGHIŢĂ, C. Strain of green microalga Oocystis borgei − source of glucides. Patent no. 4421, 2016.05.31.
The strain of green microalga Oocystis borgei CNMN-AV-08, deposited at the National Collection of Nonpathogenic Microorganisms of the Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology of the ASM, can be used as a source of glucides. The invention relates to biotechnology and can be used in medicine, pharmacology, cosmetology, and food industry. - UNGUREANU, L.; GHEORGHIŢĂ, C. Strain of green microalga Scenedesmus apiculatus var. indicus as a source of beta-carotene. Patent no. 4408, 2016.03.31.
The strain of green microalga Scenedesmus apiculatus var. indicus CNMN-AV-09, deposited in the National Collection of Nonpathogenic Microorganisms of the Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology of the ASM, can be used as a source of beta-carotene. The invention relates to biotechnology and can be used in medicine and pharmacology. - UNGUREANU, L.; GHEORGHIŢĂ, C. Strain of green microalga Scenedesmus quadricauda var. quadricauda - source of proteins, glucides and lipids. Patent no. 4395, 2016.01.31.
The strain of green microalga Scenedesmus quadricauda var. quadricauda CNMN-AV-10, deposited in the National Collection of Nonpathogenic Microorganisms, can be used as a source of proteins, glucides and lipids. The invention relates to biotechnology and can be used in medicine, zootechny, agriculture, and food industry. - UNGUREANU, L.; GHEORGHIŢĂ, C. Strain of alga Oscillatoria amphibia Ag. − producer of lipids. Patent no. 4113, BOPI no. 5, 2011
Strain of alga Oscillatoria amphibia Ag. is deposited in the National Collection of Nonpathogenic Microorganisms of the Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova under the number CNMN-CB-09 and can be used as a producer of lipids. The invention relates to biotechnology and can be used for obtaining lipids for pharmaceutical, food, cosmetic and medical industries. - RUDIC, V.; COJOCARI, A.; UNGUREANU, L.; CEPOI, L. Process for cultivation of cyanobacterium Nostoc linckia (Roth) Born et Flah CNMCB-03. Patent no. 3297, BOPI no. 4, 2007 (in collaboration with the Institute of Microbiology and Biotechnology of ASM)
The invention refers to the composition of nutrient medium for cultivation of cyanobacterium Nostoc linckia (Roth) Born et Flah CNM-CB-03, which contains microelements, lighting conditions and duration of cultivation. The result of the invention consists in increasing the productivity of cyanobacterium with a high content of phycobilins.
- МУНЖИУ, Оксана В. Бентосные беспозвоночные рек Днестр и Прут в пределах Республики Молдова. Кишинэу: [Б. и.], 2024 (CEP USM), 223 p. ISBN 978-9975-62-696-5. https://doi.org/10.53937/9789915626965
chapters in monographs
- ZUBCOV, E.; TODERAȘ, I.; ZUBCOV, N.; BILEȚCHI, L. Cap. IV Repartizarea, migrația și rolul microelementelor în apele de suprafață. În: Microelementele în componentele biosferei și aplicarea lor în agricultură și medicină. Monografie colectivă. Coordonator Simion Toma. Ed. Pontos, 2016, p.78-107. ISBN 978-9975-51-724-9.
- ZUBCOV, E.; UNGUREANU, L.; TODERAŞ, I.; BILETCHI, L.; BAGRIN, N. Hydrobiocenosis State of the Prut River in the Sculeni – Giurgulesti Sector. In: Water Science and Technology Library. Management of Water Quality in Moldova (Ed. Duca G.). Springer, 2014, Volume 69, pp.97-156.
articles in journals published abroad
- IVANOVA, A. Organochlorinated compounds in the Prut River sediments. Annals of “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, Fascicle II, Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical Mechanics, YEAR X (XLI) 2018, No. 1, pp.40-47. ISSN 2067 – 2071
- ЗУБКОВА, Е. И.; БАГРИН, Н. И.; ТРОМБИЦКИЙ, И. Д.; БОРОДИН, Н. Н. Проблемы трансграничного сотрудничества по управлению бассейном Днестра. Рыбоводство и рыбное хозяйство. Ежемесячный научно-практический журнал, №3 (135), 2017, с.5-12. ISSN 2074-5990
- ЗУБКОВА, Е.И.; ПPОТАСОВ, А.А.; БИЛЕЦКИ, Л.И.; ЗУБКОВА, Н.Н.; УНГУРЯНУ, Л.Н.; ТИХОНЕНКОВА, Л.Н.; ФИЛИПЕНКО, Е.Н.; СИЛАЕВА, А.А. Миграция ванадия в экосистеме Кучурганского водоема-охладителя Молдавской ГРЭС. Журнал Сибирского федерального университета. Биология, том 10, номер 4, 2017, с. 446-458, e-ISSN 2313-5530, ISSN 1997-1389 (print)
- LEBEDENCO, L. Assessment of the pollution level of Prut River according to the structural indices of zooplankton. Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati, Fascicle II - Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical Mechanics, Year IX (XL) 2017, No.1 p.61-69. ISSN 2067 – 2071
- ANDREEV, N.; RONTELTAP, M.; BOINCEAN, B.; WERNLI, M.; ZUBCOV, E.; BAGRIN, N.; BORODIN, N.; LENS, P.N.L. Lactic acid fermentation of human urine to improve its fertilizing value and reduce odor emissions. Journal of Environmental Management, 198, 2017, 63-69
- ANDREEV, N.; RONTELTAP, M.; LENS, P. N.; BOINCEAN, B.; BULAT, L.; ZUBCOV, E. Lacto-fermented mix of faeces and bio-waste supplemented by biochar improves the growth and yield of corn (Zea mays L.). Agriculture, ecosystems and environment, 232, 2016, 263-272.
- CIORNEA, V.; IVANOVA, A.; ZUBCOV, E.; ENE, A. Determination of some organochlorine pesticides in the waters of the Prut River. Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati, Fascicle II - Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical Mechanics, 2016, vol. VIII (XXXIX) No. 1, p.81-86. ISSN 2067-2071.
- ZUBCOV, E.; TIHONENKOVA, L.; BILETCHI, L.; BORODIN, N. Dynamics of nutrients in the ecosystem of Cuciurgan cooling reservoir of the Moldovan power plant. Annals of Dunarea de Jos University of Galati. Fascicle II - Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical Mechanics, year VIII (XXXIX) 2016, nr. 2. p.151-157
- LEBEDENCO, L.; JURMINSKAIA, O.; ZUBCOV, E.; ENE A. Dynamics of zooplankton in ecosystems of the Lower Danube. Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati, Fascicle II - Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical Mechanics, 2016, Vol. 39, no. 1, p.92-100. ISSN 2067-2071.
- ПРОТАСОВ А.Ф., ЗУБКОВА Е.И., СИЛАЕВА А.А Концептуальные подходы к организации гидробиологического мониторинга техно-экосистем ТЭС и АЕС. Гидробиологический журнал, № 6, Т.51, 2015, p.67-81. ISSN 0375-8990
- BORODIN, N. The content of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in the inferior sector of Prut river during 2014. Annals of the University Dunarea de Jos of Galati, Fascicle II - Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical Mechanics, 2015, Vol. 38 Issue 2, p.226-231. ISSN 2067 – 2071.
- MUNJIU, O.; TODERAȘ, I.; ZUBCOV, E.; BILETCHI, L.; SUBERNETKII, I. Composition and distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in the Pruth River (2012-2013). Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iaşi, s. Biologie animală, Tom LX, 2014, p.27-34. ISSN 1224-581X
- UNGUREANU, L.; TODERAS, I.; TUMANOVA, D.; UNGUREANU, G.; MELNICIUC, C. Diversity and phytoplancton functioning in Prut River. Annals of Dunarea de Jos University of Galati. Fascicle II - Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical Mechanics, Year V (XXXVI) 2013, 2, p. 228-231. ISSN 2067 - 2071
- UNGUREANU, L.; TUMANOVA, D.; MELNICIUC, C. UNGUREANU, G. Diversity and qualitative structure of the chlorophyta algae in main aquatic ecosystems of the Republic of Moldova. Muzeul Olteniei Craiova. Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Ştiinţele Naturii. 2013, 2, Tom. 29, p. 64-71. ISSN 1454-6914
- ZUBCOV, E.; BILETCHI, L.; ZUBCOV, N.; PHILIPENKO, E.; BORODIN, N. The metal accumulation in aquatic plants of Dubăsari and Cuciurgan reservoirs. Muzeul Olteniei Craiova. Oltenia. Studii şi comunicări. Ştiinţele Naturii, 2013, 2, Tom. 29, p. 216-219. ISSN 1454-6914
- ZUBCOV, E.; ZUBCOV, N.; BAGRIN, N.; BILETCHI, L. Monitoring of trace metals in the Prut River. Annals of Dunarea de Jos University of Galati. Fascicle II - Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical Mechanics, Year V (XXXVI) 2013, 2, p. 232-236. ISSN 2067 – 2071
- ZUBCOV, E.I.; ZUBCOV, N.N.; ENE, A.; BILETCHI, L. Assessment of copper and zinc levels in fish from freshwater ecosystems of Moldova. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2012, 19 (6), 2238–2247. ISSN: 0944-1344 (Print), 1614-7499 (Online). doi: 10.1007/s11356-011-0728-5 (IF: 2.651).
articles in journals published in the country
- BAGRIN, N.; BORODIN, N.; JURMINSCAIA, O. Starea hidrochimică a unor heleșteie din raionul Nisporeni. Buletinul Academiei de Științe a Moldovei. Științele Vieții, 2019, 3 (339), p. 90-97
- UNGUREANU, L.; ZUBCOV, E.; TUMANOVA, D.; BORODIN, N.; BAGRIN, N.; UNGUREANU, G. Factors which determine productivity of phytoplancton of the Dniester River. Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe. Științele Vieții, Nr. 3/336, 2018, p.12-21. ISSN 1857-064X.
- ZUBCOV, E.; JURMINSCHAIA, O.; BAGRIN, N.; BORODIN, N.; ANDREEV, N. Dinamica parametrilor fizico-chimici în apele fluviului Nistru. Akademos, Nr.1 (44), 2017, p.48-53. ISSN 1857-0461
- TUMANOVA, D. Algele planctonice-indicatori ai calității apei fluviului Nistru. Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe. Seria “Științele vieții”. No. 2 (329), 2016, p.95-102. ISSN 1857-064X.
- BORODIN, N. Migraţia fosforului în sistemul apă – sedimente – hidrobionţi al fluviului Nistru. Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe. Seria “Științele vieții”. Nr. 2 (329), 2016, p.102-111. ISSN 1857-064X.
- ZUBCOV, E.; BILEȚCHI, L.; ZUBCOV, N.; BAGRIN, N. Evaluarea migrației metalelor și determinarea toleranței ecosistemelor acvatice prin cooperare transfrontalieră. Akademos, No.2, 2015, p. 42-48
- UNGUREANU, L.; TUMANOVA, D. Diversitatea și structura fitoplanctonului –indicatori ai statutului trofic și calității apei râului Prut. Buletinul Academiei de Științe a Moldovei. Seria “Științele vieții”. 2014, 3(324), p. 121-126. ISSN 1857-064X.
- ZUBCOV, E.; BILETCHI, L.; BAGRIN, N.; ZUBCOV, N.; BORODIN, N.; JURMINSKAIA, O.; BOGONIN, Z. Investigation of hydrochemical characteristics of the Prut River. Buletinul Academiei de Științe a Moldovei. Seria “Științele vieții”. 2014, 3(324), p. 127-136. ISSN 1857-064X.
scientific-methodical and didactic works
- Prevenirea poluării și gestionarea durabilă a resurselor acvatice în bazinul r. Răut. Ghid metodologic. Red.: ANDREEV, N.; BILETCHI, L.; ZUBCOV, E. Chișinău, 2019, 79 p., ISBN 978-9975-108-73-7.
- Hydrochemical and hydrobiological sampling guidance. Ed. TODERAŞ, I.; ZUBCOV, E; BILEŢCHI, L. Chişinău: Elan poligraf, 2015, 64 p. ISBN 978-9975-128-28-5, ISBN 978-9975-66-480-6
- Monitoringul calității apei și evaluarea stării ecologice a ecosistemelor acvatice. Îndrumar metodic. Red. TODERAŞ I., ZUBCOV E., BILEŢCHI L. Chişinău: Elan poligraf, 2015. 80 р.