Head of laboratory - Alina Larion, doctor of biology, associate professor Contact details: Adress: 1 Academiei str. Chişinău, Republic of Moldova, Phone: (+37322) 739786 Fax: (+37322) 739809 E-mail: [email protected]
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Cercetări de telemetrie în rezervația „Plaiul Fagului” | Expediție de iarnă în nordul țării |
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Cercetarea faunei canionului Vâșcăuți din valea Nistrului | Studiul liliecilor în adăposturi subterane, s. Molovata, r. Dubăsari |
The laboratory was created within the Institute of Zoology of A.S.M in 1961. In 1976 on the basis of this laboratory two laboratories were created: Ornithology and Mammal Ecology.
2001 – Laboratory of Terrestrial Vertebrates;
2009 – Laboratory of Mammal Ecology and Paleozoology;
2010 – Laboratory of Mammal Ecology and Laboratory of Ornithology;
2012 – Laboratory of Teriology, Herpetology and Paleozoology and Laboratory of Ornithology;
2018 – Laboratory of Terrestrial Vertebrates.
Laboratorul este un centru de cercetări în domeniul zoologiei, ecologiei vertebratelor terestre, fiziologiei şi etologiei mamiferelor, păsărilor, reptilelor şi amfibienilor, atât în republică, cât şi în Sud – Estul Europei.
The laboratory is a research center in the field of zoology, ecology of terrestrial vertebrates, physiology and ethology of mammals, reptiles and amphibians in the republic as well as in South-Eastern Europe.
Organizational structure:
• Group of mammal study,
• Group of ornithofauna study,
• Group of reptile and amphibian study,
• Interdepartamental Group for Game Fauna study,
• Museum of Faunistic Fossil Complexex from Moldova and group of paleozoology.
The staff has unique knowledge in the research area and posses a high level of theoretical and practical training, which allows solving both scientific and applied tasks, with implementation of the obtained results in the national economy.
Research direction of the laboratory is: study of diversity, structural-functional organization and evolution of terrestrial vertebrate communities, protection, improvement and elaboration of conception of practical use of economically important fauna diversity under the conditions of anthropic and climatic changes.
Fundamental researches: Monitoring, study of diversity, adaptive potential and evolutionary aspects of terrestrial vertebrate species of economic interest, rare and endangered, revealing of environmental factors that lead to the modifications of community structure at various taxonomic levels in the zone of bio-geographic interference.
Applied researches: Distribution, number dynamics and the role of dominant predator species from agricultural and forest complexes in pest number regulation, elaboration of prognosis models of pest dynamics. Elucidating the impact of invasive and harmful species.
Current projects:
• 20.80009.7007.02. Schimbări evolutive ale faunei terestre economic importante, ale speciilor rare și protejate în condițiile modificărilor antropice și climatice
• COST CA18107 Climate change and bats: from science to conservation
• OC/EFSA/ALPHA/2016/01. Wildlife: collecting and sharing data on wildlife populations, transmitting animal disease agents – ENETWILD
• European Mammals on MAps 2 (EMMA2)
Performed projects:
• Inventory of water and palustre ecosystems from Moldova, financed by Wetland International, 1996.
• European ground squirrel – vulnerable species, 1999.
• Organization of state protected areas to protect vulnerable species of mammals, 2000.
• Protect the amphibiont mammals – European otter and European mink, 2001.
• Rare and disappearing birds and reptiles from Lower Raut valley, 2000.
• Recovery of rare snake species populations in Middle Nistru basin, 2001.
• Diversity, structural-functional organization, evolution and protection of terrestrial animal communities in agricultural landscape (2006-2010)
• Evaluation of role of some groups of terrestrial, aquatic, zoo- and phytoparasite animals of economic interest, elaboration of measures of monitoring, sustainable use of useful species and fight against harmful species (2006-2010).
• Adaptation strategy of small mammals to anthropogenic modifications of environment (on basis of examples from Central Russia and Moldova (2006-2007).
• Ecological-ethological adaptation strategies of small mammals to anthropogenic modifications of the environment (on basis of some examples from Moldova, Moscow and Moscow region) (2008-2009).
• Spreading, taxonomy and evolution of elephants from Late Neosoic of Eurasia (2008-2009).
• Elaboration of State Cadastre of animals world and methodology of implementation (2007-2009).
• Study and description of natural habitats, of wild fauna and flora from the Northern zone of R. Moldova. Habitat Directive 92/43 (2007-2009).
• Assessment of animal species state and developing of rarity criteria in order to update the Red List (2010-2011)
• Study of adaptation potential of terrestrial animals to the anthropogenic modifications of the environment; elaboration of the evolution of their prognosis (2011-2014)
• Assessment of population state and determining the status of animal species proposed for the III-rd edition of the Red Book (2012)
• Equipment for telemetry monotoring and efficient control of state of rare and economically important vertebrate animal populations (2012)
• Diversity, importance and adaptive peculiarities of terrestrial vertebrate fauna (mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians) in recreational and urban ecosystems (2012-2013)
• Identification of invasive animal species on the territory of the Republic of Moldova and evaluating their impact upon natural and antropized ecosystems (2013-2014)
• International Symposium dedicated to 75th anniversary of Professor Andrei Munteanu „Sustainable use and potection of animal world diversity” (2014)
• Populational risks on the model of the species Ciconia ciconia and Cygnus olor in the conditions of synantropisation, incresing of influence of antropic modifications and climatic changes (2015-2016)
• Study of diversity and structure of terrestrial vertebrates communities in ecotone zone and adjacent habitats within the program Natura 2000 (2015-2019)
• Distribution, abundance and habitat requirements for three protected and charismatic small mammal species in Romania and Moldova: Mesocricetus newtoni (Nehring, 1898), Cricetus cricetus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Spermophilus suslicus (Guldenstaedt, 1770) (2016-2019)
• Project EU/CoE Joint Programme ”Emerald Network of Nature Protection Sites”, consultant on mammals. Biosafety Office. Republic of Moldova (2015 – 2017)
• GEF/UNEP Project Support to Produce the Sixth National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity, consultant on terrestrial vertebrate species. Biodiversity Office. Republic of Moldova. Project Code: BAC:M99-11207-32NFL-SB-008720.02.08 (2018)
• Plio-Pleistocene Deer of Western Palearctic: Taxonomy, Systematics, Phylogeny (2018)
• Insectivorous mammals (Mammalia: Erinaceomorpha, Soricomonorpha) from the Republic of Moldova (2019)
The laboratory maintains collaboration relations with:
in the republic:
• Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment
• State Agency Moldsilva
• Society of hunters and Fishers from Moldova Moldova
• National Agency for Public Health, Chişinău, Republic of Moldova
• State University „Dimitrie Cantemir”
• State University of Tiraspol (Chișinău)
• State University from Chișinău
• Forest Research and Management
• Scientific Reserve „Plaiul Fagului”
• Scientific Reserve „Codrii”
• Natural Reserve „Pădurea Domnească”
• Natural Reserve „Prutul de Jos”
from abroad:
• Institute of Biology of the Romanian Academy
• Institute of Ecology and Evolution “A.N. Severţov” of Russian Academy, Moscow, Russia
• Biosphere Reserve „Danube Delta”, Tulcea, Romania
• University „Alexandru Ion Cuza”, Iaşi, Romania
• National Museum of Natural History „Grigore Antipa”, Bucarest, Romania
• Oltenia Museum, Craiova, Romania
• Geologic Institute of Romaniei, Bucarest, Romania
• Musem Complex of Natural Sciences „Ion Borcea”, Bacau, Romania
• Institute of Vertebrate Biology of Czech Academy of Sciences
• Museum of Natural Sciences, Piatra-Neamţ, Romania
• BirdLife International
• International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences
• University „Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania
• University Valahia, Târgovişte, Romania
• University of Durham, Great Britain
• Institute of Zoologe „I.I.Schmalhausen”, Kiev, Ucraine
• National University „V.N. Karazin”, Harkov, Ucraine
• Institute of Paleontology, Russian Academy, Moscow, Russia
• Federal Center for the Integration of Arctic Research, Arhanghelsk, Russia
• Scientific-practical Center on Bioresources of Academy of Sciences of R.Belarus, Minsk, Belarus
• EUROBATS Agreement on the Conservation of Populations of European Bats, Bonn, Germania
• Nature Research Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania
• Institute of Human Paleontology, Paris, France
• Museum of Natural History, Clermont-Ferrand, France
• Ohio University, Statele Unite
• University of Barcelona, Spania
• National Museum of Natural History, Sofia, Bulgaria
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Dr. Roman Croitor - discuţii cu colegii de breaslă | Congresul Zoologic al „Muzeului Grigore Antipa”, București |
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Activităţi de atragere a elevilor în studiul și protecția ornitofaunei | Conferința Internațională a Muzeului Județean „Ion Borcea”, Bacău |
Obtained results
• Inventory of mammal fauna (71 species), ornithofauna (285 species) and herpetofauna (14 reptile species, 13 amphibian species) of the Republic of Moldova was performed;
• Evolution of terrestrial vertebrate communities in natural and anthropized ecosystems was studied;
• Spatial-functional structure and mechanisms of regulation of rodent populations in agrocenoses were revealed;
• Biocenotic relations and the functional role of common species and of various cohorts in stability of animal populations and communities were emphasized;
• Distribution, number dynamics, bioenergetic potential and the role of dominant species in arboreous complex „gardens-woods” in regulation of harmful insect number were established;
• Biological-ecological peculiarities of endangered and vulnerable terrestrial vertebrate species were emphasized and recommendations on their protection were ellaborated.
• Three new species for science have been described: Rucervus radulescui Croitor, 2018 from Valea Grăunceanului, Rucervus gigans Croitor, 2018 from Apollonia, Praeelaphus australorientalis Croitor, 2017 from the Pliocene of Southeast Europe based on fossil materials from the National Museum of Ethnography and Natural History and the Institute of Speleology in Bucharest. The genus Rucervus was first reported in Europe. For the first time, the species Cervus canadensis Erxleben 1777 (wapiti) was described on the territory of the Republic of Moldova and confirmed the presence of the species on the European continent.
1. Toderaş I., Rusu Ş., Savin A., Erhan D., Zamornea M., Nistreanu V., Chihai O., Gherasim E., Gologan I. Patent. Method for deparasitation of cervids. MD 1303 Y, 2019.01.31.
2. Toderaş I., Rusu Ş., Savin A., Erhan D., Ciocoi O., Zamornea M., Grosu G., Gologan I. Patent. Composition and process of supplementary feeding and deparasitation of hare. MD 1350 Y 2019. 07. 31.
3. Toderaş I., Rusu Ș., Savin A., Erhan D., Zamornea M., Grosu G., Nistreanu V., Gherasim E. Patent. Process of disinfesting and supplementary feeding of the pheasants. MD 1164 Y, 2017.07.31.
4. Toderaş I., Rusu Ş., Erhan D., Zamornea M., Savin A., Chihai O., Gherasim E., Pruteanu M., Naforniţa N. Patent. Method for deparasitation of cervids. MD 1049 Y, 2016.06.30.
5. Munteanu, A., Savin, A., Ţurcanu, I. Brevet de invenţie. Mothod for preparation of supplementary feeding for wild animals. MD 3794, 2009-01-31.
6. Munteanu A., Luncaşu M. Patent. Method of helminthosis prophylaxis and treatment to cervidae.MD Nr. 3311 F1 din 31.05.2007.
Elaborations implemented in the last 3 years (2017-2020):
1. Act for the implementation of the Short-Term Patent (MD, nr.1164 Z, 28.02.2018), from 23.01 2020. „Antiparasitic measures for prophylaxis and simultaneously treatment with the complementary feeding of pheasants”. Implemented in the Hunting Funds of the Society of Hunters and Fishermen of the Republic of Moldova.
2. Act for the implementation of the scientific elaboration, elaborated based on the positive decision to grant the short-term invention patent (MD 1405 Y, 31.12.2019), 31.01.2020. "Antiparasitic measures for prophylaxis and treatment with complementary feeding of wild boars". Implemented in the Hunting Funds of the Society of Hunters and Fishermen of the Republic of Moldova.
3. Act for the implementation of the scientific elaboration finished in production “Process for the production of bait for the treatment of wild canids”, based on the Decision granting the patent S 20180113, 06.08.2020. Implemented in the Hunting Funds of the Society of Hunters and Fishermen of the Republic of Moldova.
4. Act for the implementation of the scientific elaboration finished in production “Composition for the complementary feeding of deer with the use of lighters and deworming procedure through them”, based on patent application S 2017 0079, 05.07.2017. Implemented within the Hunting Funds of the Agency "Moldsilva".
5. Act for the implementation of the Short-Term Patent “Composition and process for complementary feeding and deworming of the hare”, MD 1350 Y 2019. 07. 31. Implemented in the Hunting Funds of the Society of Hunters and Fishermen of the Republic of Moldova.
Diplomas and medals at national and international exhibitions in the last 6 years (2014-2020):
1. Toderaş I., Rusu Şt., Savin A., Erhan D.,Ciocoi O., Zamornea M., Grosu Gh., Gologan, I. Composition and process of supplementary feeding and deparasitation of hare. Bronz Medal at 12 edition of Euroinvent European Exhiibiitiion of Creativity and Innovation, 23 mai 2020, online, Iași, România.
2. Toderaş I., Rusu Şt., Savin A., Erhan D., Gulea A., Zamornea M., Nistreanu V., Chihai O., Gherasim E., Gologan I., Rusu V. Method for deparasitation of cervids. Gold Medal. 47E Salon International des Inventions de Geneve, 10-14 avril 2019, Palexpo. Classe V, p. 192.
3. Toderaş I., Rusu Şt., Savin A., Erhan D., Gulea A., Zamornea M., Nistreanu V., Chihai O., Gherasim E., Gologan I., Rusu V. Method for deparasitation of cervids. Excellence Diploma at XI edition of Euroinvent European Exhiibiitiion of Creativity and Innovation EUROINVENT, 16-18 May 2019, Iași, România.
4. Toderaş I., Rusu Şt., Savin A., Erhan D., Cicoi O., Zamornea M., Grosu Gh., Gologan I. Composition and process of supplementary feeding and deparasitation of hare. Silver Medal la International Exhibition”INFOINVENT”, XVI ed., 20-23 november 2019, Chișinău, Republic of Moldova.
5. Toderaş I., Rusu Şt., Savin A., Erhan D., Zamornea M., Grosu Gh., Nistreanu V., Gherasim E., Rusu V. Process of disinfesting and supplementary feeding of the pheasants. Gold Medal. The world exhibition on inventions, research and new technologies. Eureka. Innova. Valencia, Spain, 8th of March 2018.
6. Toderaş I. Rusu Şt., Savin A., Erhan D., Zamornea M., Grosu Gh., Nistreanu V., Gherasim E., Rusu V. Processus de disinfestations et d'alimentation supplementaire des faisans. Gold Medal. 46E Salon International des Inventions de Geneve, 11-15 avril 2018, Palexpo. Classe V, p. 192.
7. Toderaş I., Rusu Șt., Savin A., Erhan D., Zamornea M., Grosu Gh., Nistreanu V., Gherasim E. Process of disinfesting and supplementary feeding of the pheasants. Gold Medal. International Exhibition”INFOINVENT”, 15-18 november 2017, Chișinău.
8. Toderaş I., Rusu Șt., Erhan D., Zamornea M., Savin A., Chihai O., Gherasim E., Pruteanu M., Nafornița N. Procedures applied for diparasiting and additional alimentation of deer. Gold Medal. Barcelona, 5th May 2017.
9. Toderaş I, Rusu Şt., Savin A., Erhan D., Zamornea M., Grosu Gh., Nistreanu V., Gherasim E. Process of disinfesting and supplementary feeding of the pheasants. nr. a 2016 0034. Bronz Medal. International Trade Fair „ Ideas –Inventions-New Products” 27-30 October Nuremberg Exibition center iENA 2016.
10. Toderaş I., Rusu Şt., Erhan D., Zamornea M., Savin A., Chihai O., Gherasim E., Pruteanu M., Naforniţa N. Procedures applied for diparasiting and additional alimentation of deer. Silver Medal. 25-28.11.2015. Chișinău. Infoinvest.
11. Toderaş I., Rusu Șt., Erhan D., Zamornea M., Savin A., Chihai O., Gherasim E., Pruteanu M., Nafornița N. Procedures applied for diparasiting and additional alimentation of deer. Silver Medal. 40th International invention show 11th invention and prototype show and student business plan competition. Croatian Inventors Association Zagreb. Karlovac, Croatia, 05-07 November 2015.
Economic contracts:
• Evaluation of the game animals in the hunting funds leased by the Society of Hunters and Fishermen of Moldova – each year
• Study of rodenticide action upon pest rodents in Chisinau city and adjacent districts (2019)
• Study of pest rodents from Chișinău city and testing of new preparations with rodenticide effect (2019)
• Investigations for the approval of plant protection products and / or fertilizers and receiving their results (2014, 2017)
• Study of actual state of the main components of vertebrate and invertebrate fauna from terrestrial ecosystems of Chisinau airport and elaboration of recommendations to diminish their influence upon the safety of aircraft flights (2012-2014)
• Honorary diploma from MECS for outstanding successes in the field of research and innovation and on the occasion of the International Day of Girls and Women in Science
• Order „Gloria Muncii” (dr. prof. Munteanu A. 2019)
• Medal „Meritul Civic” (dr. Savin A. 2019)
• Medal „Milescu Spătaru” (dr. prof. Munteanu A. 2019)
• Medal „Dimitrie Cantemir” (dr. Savin A. 2018)
• Award of A.S.M. „Boris Melnic” for the Red Book (2016)
• Medal „Dimitrie Cantemir” (dr. prof. Munteanu A. 2009)
• National Award for National Book Collection „Diversity, protection and use of animal world”, which includes „Animal world of Moldova” and „Atlas zoologic” (2013)
• Romanian Academy Award ”Grigore Antipa” for „Vegetală and Animal world of Moldova” (2008)
• Award of Presidium of A.S.M. for the monograph „Ornitologia radară” (1994)
• State Award in the field of science and technique for the monographs of series “Animal World of Moldova” («Животный мир Молдовы» in Russian) (1989)
- Savin A. Specii de importanță cinegetică din fauna Republicii Moldova. Chişinău: [S.n], Blitz Poligraf, 2024, 232 p. ISBN 978-9975-3660-7-6. Download the pdf.
- Nistreanu V., Paladi V., Larion A., Țurcan V., Obadă T., Savin A., Caldari V. Fauna Rezervației Biosferei „Prutul de Jos”. Vertebrate Terestre. Chişinău: Căpăţînă-Print, 2023, 198 p. ISBN 978-9975-3644-5-4. https://doi.org/10.53937/9789975364454
- Țurcan V. Serpentofauna (Reptilia: Serpentes) din Republica Moldova. Chişinău: S. n., 2022 (CEP USM), 150 p. ISBN 978-9975-62-475-6. https://doi.org/10.53937/9789975624756
- Fauna Rezervației „Plaiul Fagului”. Vertebrate terestre (red. științific V. Nistreanu). Chişinău: F.E.-P. „Tipografia Centrală”, 2022, 160 p. ISBN 978-5-88554-059-9. https://doi.org/10.53937/9785885540599
- Nistreanu V. Mamiferele insectivore (Mammalia: Erinaceomorpha, Soricomorpha) din Republica Moldova. Chişinău: S. n. Tipografia AŞM. 2019, 184 p. https://doi.org/10.53937/9789975624305. Download
- Croitor R. Plio-Pleistocene Deer of Western Palearctic: Taxonomy, Systematics, Phylogeny. Chisinau: Elan Poligraf, 2018, 140 p.
- Ungureanu L., Titica Gh., Baban E., Nistreanu V., Bogdea L., Bulat Dm., Bulat D. Habitatele speciilor rare de plante și animale din raioanele Soroca și Stefan Vodă, Republica Moldova. Chișinău: S.n., 2017, 88 p.
- Andreev A., Cazanţeva O., Munteanu A., Izverscaia T., Mărgineanu G., Josan L. Sectorul forestier şi serviciile ecosistemice – ENPI FLEG II în Republica Moldova / Soc. Ecologică „Biotica”, Programul regional ENPI FLEG II. – Chişinău: S. n., 2017 (Tipogr. „Elan Poligraf”), 240 p.
- Andreev A., Anikeev E., Arnaut P., Barcari I., Bezman-Moseiko O., Bondarenco A., Gorbunenco P., Grosu N., Derjanschi V., Izverscaia T., Josan L., Jurminschi S., Zamfir P., Kovalenko D., Kotomina L., Cuza P., Kuharuk E., Mărgineanu G., Marin T., Maiațki I., Medvedenko D., Munteanu A., Nikolaev N., Pezold T., Redcozubov O., Rotaru I., Romanciuc A., Rusciuc A., Siverenco N., Sîrodoev G., Stajilov V., Talmaci I., Tiscencov A., Țurcan V., Șabanova G., Șubernețkii I., Telembici O., Ceavdari N. Planul de management pentru zona Ramsar „Nistrul de Jos”. Societatea Ecologică ”BIOTICA”, Chişinău, 2017, 362 p.
- David A., Pascari V., Nicoară I., Begu A., Sandu M., Ursu A., Postolache G. „Ariile naturale protejate din Moldova”, Vol. I. Monumentele geologice, paleontologice, hidrologice şi pedologice. 2016, 171 p.
- Cozari T. Păsările. Enciclopedie ilustrată. Chișinău: Arc, 2016, 288 p.
- Cartea Roșie a Republicii Moldova. Ediția a III-a, Chişinău: Ştiinţa, 2015, p. 234-350 (110 specii).
- Cozari T. Atlas Zoologic. Chişinău: Știința, 2013, 124 p.
- Munteanu A., Nistreanu V., Savin A., Turcanu V., Corcimaru N., Cebanu A., Moșu A., Romanescu V., Bondarenco A., Andreev S., Larion A., Sîtnic V. Atlasul speciilor de vertebrate (mamifere, reptile, amfibieni, peşti) incluse în cadastrul regnului animal al Republicii Moldova. Chişinău, S.n., „Elan Poligraf”, 2013, 100 p.
- Postolachi Gh., Munteanu A., Postolache D., Cojan C. Rezervația „Prutul de Jos”. Chisinau, Tipogr. centrală, 2012, 152 p.
- Andreev A., Bezman-Moseiko О., Bondarenco A., Budzhak V., Cherevatov V., Chiornei I., Derjanschi V., Ghendov V., Jurminschi S., Izverskaia T., Kotomina L., Kovalenco D., Mantorov O., Medvedenco D., Munteanu A., Redcozubov O., Romanciuc A., Rusciuc A., Rusciuc V., Sîrodoev Gh., Şabanova G., Skilskyi I., Sotnikov V., Şuberneţki O., Talmaci I., Tişenkov A., Tişenkova V., Ţurcan V. Registrul zonelor nucleu ale Rețelei Ecologice Naționale a Republicii Moldova. BIOTICA, 2012, 356 p.
- Manic Ș., Negru A., Jardan N., Derjanschi V., Cozari T., Cîrlig V. Conspectul diversităţii biologice a rezervaţiei „Codrii”. Agenţia „Moldsilva”, Rezervaţia „Codrii”, Ştiinţa, 2011, 328 p.
- Munteanu A., Zubcov N., Gusan G., Glavan T., Buciuceanu L., Jurminschii S., Mantorov O., Țîbuleac T., Știrbu V., Cojan C., Vasilașcu N., Bogdea L., Postolachi V., Țurcanu I., Sîrodoev G. Atlasul păsărilor clocitoare din Moldova. Chișinău, 2010, 100 pp.
- Munteanu A., Zubcov N., Cozari T. Păsări. Seria Lumea Animală a Moldovei. Chișinău: Știința, 2006, 220 p.
- Munteanu A., Lozan M. Mamifere. Lumea animală a Moldovei. Vol. 4, Chișinău: Știința, 2004, 132 p.
- Cartea Roșie a Republicii Moldova. Ediția a II-a, Chişinău: Ştiinţa, 2001, p. 147-214 (62 specii).
- Munteanu A. „Păsările lumii” enciclopedie pentru copii. Editura ARC, 1998, 98 p.
- Cartea Roșie a Republicii Moldova. Ediția a I-a, Chişinău: Cartea moldovenească, 1978, p. 5-61 (29 specii)
- Аверин Ю.В., Ганя И.М., Зубков Н.И., Мунтяну А.И., Успенский Г.А. Птицы. Животный мир Молдавии. Кишинев: Штиинца, 1981, 336 с.
- Ганя И.М. (red.) Рыбы, земноводные пресмыкающиеся. Животный мир Молдавии. Кишинев, «Штиинца», 1981, 224 c.
- Аверин Ю.В., Лозан М.Н., Мунтяну А.И., Успенский Г.А. Животный мир Молдовы. Млекопитающие. Кишинев «Штиинца», 1979, 186 с.
- Ганя И.М., Зубков Н.И. Редкие и исчезающие виды птиц Молдавии. – Кишинев: Штиинца. 1989, 148 с.
Chapters in books
- Croitor R. Animal husbandry and hunting. Bone material use in economic activities. In: From Bronze to Iron. Kravchenko E. A. (red.) In: Paleoeconomy of the habitants of the Inkerman Valley (according the material of excavations in Uch-Bash and Saharnaya Golovka settlements). Kyiv, 2016, p. 191-222.
- Баженов Ю.А., Караман Н.К., Шепелев А.А., Осипова О.В., Котенкова Е.В. Влияние ольфакторного сигнального поля cинантропных домовых мышей на поведение гемисинантропного (Microtus levis) и экзоантропного (Myodеs glareolus) видов грызунов. In: Биологическое сигнальное поле млекопитающих. Коллективная монография. Под редакцией: А.А. Никольского, В.В. Рожнова. Товарищество научных изданий КМК, Москва 2013, p. 224-231.
- Chirică V., David A., Obadă T. Planigraphie des restes osteologiques. Habitation en „os et terre”. In: Laurignacien moyen et tardif de L espace Carpatique – Dnestreen. Le gisement Climăuţi II, Iaşi, 2008, p. 55-59.
- David A., Obadă Th. Faune de mamiferes. In: Laurignacien moyen et tardif de L espace Carpatique – Dnestreen. Le gisement Climăuţi II, Iaşi, 2008, p. 28-41.
- Munteanu A., Zubcov N., Țurcanu V. Fauna. In: Natura rezervației ”Plaiul Fagului” (red. A. Ursu). Chișinău-Rădenii Vechi, 2005, p. 244-346.
- Ганя И.М., Зубков Н.И., Мунтяну А.И., Савин А.И. Позвоночные животные. In: Фауна биоценотических оазисов и ее практическое значение (ред. Г.А.Успенский). Кишинев «Штиинца», 1990, с. 125-202.
Papers in journals with impact factor
- Balčiauskas L., Amshokova A., Balčiauskienė L., Benedek A.M., Cichocki J., Csanády A., Mendonça P. G., Nistreanu V. Geographical clines in the size of the herb field mouse (Apodemus uralensis). Integrative Zoology, 2020: 15, p. 55-68.
- Benoit J., Legendre L.J., Tabuce R., Obada Th., Mararescul V., Manger P. Brain evolution in Proboscidea (Mammalia, Afrotheria) across the Cenozoic. Scientific American 2019, 9 (9323), p. 1-8.
- Croitor, R., Sanz, M., Daura, J. Deer remains from the Middle Pleistocene site of Gruta da Aroeira (Portugal): Iberian faunal endemism and implications to hominin paleobiogeography. Quaternary Science Reviews, 2019, 225 (1), 106022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.106022
- Lyubas A.A., Obada T.F., Gofarov M.Yu., Kriauciunas V.V., Vikhrev I.V., Nicoara I.N., Bolotov I.N. A taxonomic revision of fossil freshwater pearl mussels (Bivalvia: Unionoida: Margaritiferidae) from Pliocene and Pleistocene deposits of Southeastern Europe. Ecologica Montenegrina 21, 2019, p. 1-16.
- Demay L., Obadă T., Péan S., Prepeliţa A. Utilization of mammoth resources and occupation of the Dniester-Prut basin territory: the Upper Paleolithic site of Valea Morilor (Republic of Moldova), Quaternary Science Reviews, 2019, 222, 105898. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.105898
- Croitor R., Obadă Th. On the presence of Late Pleistocene wapiti, Cervus canadensis Erxleben, 1777 (Cervidae, Mammalia) in the Palaeolithic site Climăuți II (Moldova). Contributions to Zoology, 2018, 87 (1), p. 1-10.
- Croitor R., Sanz M., Daura J. The endemic deer Haploidoceros mediterraneus (Bonifay) (Cervidae, Mammalia) from the Late Pleistocene of Cova del Rinoceront (Iberian Peninsula): origin, ecomorphology, and paleobiology. Historical Biology, 2018, 32(3), p. 409-427. https://doi.org/10.1080/08912963.2018.1499018
- Croitor R. Paleobiology as a clue for Paleolithic taphonomy: the case of reindeer hunting in Moldova. Quaternaire, 2018, 29 (1), p. 81-86.
- Grigoriev S.E., Fisher D.C, Obadă T., Shirley E.A., Rountrey A.N., Savvinov G.N., Garmaeva D.K., Novgorodov G.P., Cheprasov M.Yu., Vasiliev S.E, Goncharov A.E., Masharskiy A., Egorova V.E., Petrova P.P., Egorova E.E., Akhremenko Y.A., Van Der Plicht J., Galanin A.A., Fedorov S.E., Ivanov E.V., Tikhonov A.N. A woolly mammoth Mammuthus primigenius) carcass from Maly Lyakhovsky Island (New Siberian Islands, Russian Federation), Quaternary International, 445, 2017, p. 89-103.
- Croitor R. Sacrifice horse remains from Late Bronze – Early Iron Age of South Moldova: a study of dental and limb bone morphology. Journal of Historical Archaeology and Anthropological Sciences, 2017, 1(3), p. 1-7.
- Croitor R. Description of a new deer species (Cervidae, Mammalia) from the Early Pliocene of Eastern Europe, with a review of early dispersals and palaeobiogeography of the subfamily Cervinae. Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie - Abhandlungen, 2017, 283 (1), p. 85-108.
- Croitor R. Systematical position and paleoecology of the endemic deer Megaceroides algericus Lydekker, 1890 (Cervidae, Mammalia) from the late Pleistocene-early Holocene of North Africa. Geobios. 2016. 49 (4), p. 265-283.
- Croitor R., Cojocaru, I. An Antlered Skull of a Subfossil Red Deer, Cervus elaphus L., 1758 (Mammalia: Cervidae), from Eastern Romania. Acta zoologica bulgarica. 2016, 68 (3), p. 407-414.
- Covalenco S., Croitor R. Bone, Antler and Ivory Weapons from the Multilayer Late Palaeolithic Site Cosăuţi, Middle Dniester Area. Stratum Plus, 2016, 1 (The Link of Times), p. 121-135.
- Ţîbuleac P., Obadă T., Cojocaru I. Tetralophodon longirostris (Mammalia: Proboscidea) in the Eastern Carpathians Foreland (Romania and the Republic of Moldova). North-Western Journal of Zoology. 2015, 11(1), p. 138-150.
- Simeonovska-Nikolova D., Beltcheva M., Larion A., Nistreanu V., Metcheva R. Variations in the mound size of mound-building mouse, Mus spicilegus between Bulgaria and Moldova. Bulg. J.Agric. Sci., 2014, 20 (Suppl. 1), p. 125–128.
- Bazhenov Yu. A., Caraman N. K., Shepelev A. A., Osipova O. V., Kotenkova E. V. Olfactory environment of commensal house mice as a factor that affects the formation of the species composition of the population of rodents in buildings. Biology Bulletin. 2014, 10, p. 842-848.
- Tikhonova G. N., Tikhonov I. A., Kotenkova E.V., Munteanu A.I., Uspenskaya I.G., Konovalov Yu.N., Burlaku V.I., Kiku V.F., Georgitsa S. D., Karaman N. K., Nistreanu V. B., Maltsev A. N. Comparative Analysis of Small Mammal Communities in Chisinau and Yaroslavl, Two European Cities Located in Different Biomes. Russian Journal of Ecology, 2012, Vol. 43, No. 3, pp. 236–242.
- Tikhonov I. A., Muntyanu A. I., Uspenskaya I. G., Konovalov Yu. N., Burlaku V. I., Karaman N. K., Nistreanu V. B., Tikhonova G. N., Kotenkova E. V. Biotopic distribution, population structure, and some features of small mammal reproduction in Chisinau city. Biology Bulletin, 2012, Vol. 39, No. 10, pp. 839–845.
- Zinenko O. I., Ţurcanu V. F., Strugariu A. Distribution and morphologycal variation of Vipera berus nikolskii Vedmederja, Grubant et rudaeva, 1986 in the Western Ukraine, Moldova Republic and Romania. Journal Amphibia-Reptilia, 2010, 31, p. 51-67
- Yakimenko L.V., Korobitsyna K.V., Frisman Z.V., Munteanu A. Cytogenetic and biochemical comparasion of Mus musculus and Mus hortulanus. Experimentia, 1990, 46, p. 1075-1077.
- Munteanu A. Ecological features of an overwintering population of the hilock mouse (Mus hortulanus Nordm.) in the south-west of the USSR. Biological Journal of the Linean Society. 1990, 41, p. 73-82.
- Munteanu A., Sitnic V. Spatial structure of Microtus rossiameridionalis during population growth. Pol.ecol.stud., 1994, 20(3-4), p. 257-263.
Papres in other international journals
- Demay L., Obadă T. Large mammals from Upper Paleolithic site of Valea Morilor (Republic of Moldova). Quaestiones Praehistoricae, Studia in honorem Professoris Vasile Chirica, Vol. XIV, Bucureşti – Brăila, 2018, p. 111-143.
- Lyubas A.A., Kabakov M.B., Kriauciunas V.V., Obada T.F., Nicoara I.N., Tomilova A.A. Freshwater mollusks from Neogene-Quaternary Dniester and Prut riverine deposits as indicator paleoenvironments: chemical composition of shells and its palaeoecological interpretation. Arctic Environmental Research. 2019, 19(1): p. 35–42.
- Lyubas A.A., Obada T.F., Ortiz J.E., Torres T., Kriauciunas V.V., Nicoara I.N. Subfossil freshwater bivalve mollusk shells present data on stratigraphy of Dniester and Prut riverine deposits. Arctic Environmental Research. 2019, 19(2), p. 65–74.
- Demay L., Pean S., Noiret P., Obada T., Koulakovska L. Le statut du mammouth au sein des groupes humains du Pléniglaciaire supérieur autour des bassins du Dniestr et du Prout. In: Cordoş C., Chirica V. (Eds.), Le Paléolithique supérieur de Roumanie en contexte du Paléolithique supérieur européen, Actes du colloque International de Iaşi, 2019, Bibliotheca Archaeologica Iassiensis XXXIII, Editura PIM, Iaşi, 2019, pp. 59-95.
- Toderaş I., Rusuș., Erhan D., Savin A., Gulea A., Floquet S., Zamornea M., Chihai O., Gherasim E., Gologan I., Rusu V. Procedee inovative în profilaxia și combaterea parazitozelor la animalele sălbatice din fauna cinegetică / România, Revista Columna Nr.8/2019 Acad. Rom. Raport 2 august 2019. p.43-60.
- Chihai O., Erhan D., Nistreanu V., Larion A., Tălămbuţă N., Rusu Ş., Melnic G., Zamornea M. Parasitological studies of the species from genus Apodemus (Rodentia, Muridae) from the „Plaiul Fagului” natural reserve, Republic of Moldova. Muzeul Oltenie Craiova. Oltenia. Studii și comunicări. Științele Naturii. Tom. 35, No. 1. 2019, p. 86-91.
- Burlacu V..Экологические особенности мелких млекопитающих и очаги лептоспироза в заповедниках Республики Молдова. Труды государственного природного заповедника «Воронинский», Том 4, 2019, С. 10—17.
- Nistreanu V. Multiannual dynamics and actual state of shrew communities in the Republic of Moldova. Marisia, Științele Naturii, Târgu-Mureș, 2019, vol. 38-39, p. 27-34.
- Chihai O., Erhan D., Rusu Ş., Nistreanu V., Larion A., Tălămbuţă N., Melnic G. Zamornea M., Anghel T. Parasite fauna of Myodes glareolus from the natural reserve „Plaiul Fagului”of the Republic of Moldova. Oltenia Journal for Studies in Natural Sciences. Muzeul Olteniei, Craiova. Tom. XXXIV, No. 1, 2018, p. 83-88.
- Croitor R. A description of two new species of the genus Rucervus (Cervidae, Mammalia) from the Early Pleistocene of Southeast Europe, with comments on hominin and South Asian ruminants dispersals. Quaternary, 2018. no 1, 17; p. 2-32. https://doi.org/10.3390/quat1020017.
- Timuş A., Nistreanu V. Terrestrial vertebrate species from the three editions of „the Red Book of the Republic of Moldova”: limiting factors and protection measures. Current Trends in Natural Sciences Vol. 6, Issue 11, 2017, pp. 155-164,.
- Nistreanu V., Paraschiv D., Savin A., Larion A., Sitnic V. Comparative analysis of small rodent fauna in agrocenoses from central part of the Republic of Moldova and middle basin of Siret river, Bacau district, Romania. Studii și Comunicări. Complexul Muzeal „Ion Borcea”, Bacău, România, 2017, p. 98-102.
- Nistreanu V., Andreev S., Larion A., Postolachi V., Caldari V. Data on bat fauna of Chişinău city, Republic of Moldova. Studii și Comunicări. Complexul Muzeal „Ion Borcea”, Bacău, România, 2017, p.103-106.
- Ларион А., Нистряну В., Мунтяну А., Савин А., Чемыртан Н., Сытник В. Эколого-физиологические особенности курганчиковой мыши (Mus spicilegus Petenyi 1882, Rodentia, Muridae) в Республике Молдова. Экологический мониторинг и биоразнообразие. 2016, 1 (11), 64-68.
- Нистряну В., Андреев С., Калдари В., Ларион А., Постолаки В. Сравнительный анализ зимующих сообществ летучих мышей (Mammalia: Chiroptera) в искусственных подземельях Бычок и Сахарна долины Днестра, Республика Молдова. Экологический мониторинг и биоразнообразие. 2016, 2 (12), 34-37.
- Сытник В., Савин А., Нистряну В., Ларион А. Динамика стациального распределения и численности Microtus arvalis (Rodentia, Cricetidae) в агроценозах Республики Молдова. Экологический мониторинг и биоразнообразие. 2016, 1(11), 114-117.
- Nistreanu V., Caldari V., Larion A., Postolachi V. Preliminary data on bat species hibernating in Cupcini and Hordineşti stone quarries from the northern zone of the Republic of Moldova. MARISIA. Studii și Materiale, Științele Naturii. 2016, Vol. XXXVI, 77-83.
- Larion A., Nistreanu V., Sîtnic V., Postolachi V. Role of ecotone zone in survival of the species Mus spicilegus Petenyi 1882 (Muridae, Rodentia). MARISIA. Studii și Materiale, Științele Naturii. 2016, Vol. XXXVI, 99-109.
- Postolachi V., Tsurcan V., Zubcov N. Preliminary study regarding the distribution, biology and ecology of Natrix tesselata (Laurenti1768) in the Republic of Moldova. MARISIA. Studii și Materiale, Științele Naturii. 2016, Vol. XXXVI, 109-117.
- Nistreanu V., Cârlig T., Larion A., Turcan V., Burlacu V., Postolachi V. Diversity and status of terrestrial vertebrate fauna in lower course of Ichel river bazin, Republic of Moldova. DROBETA, Ştiinţele Naturii, XXVI, 2016, 115–124.
- Nistreanu V., Larion A., Postolachi V. Small mammal diversity in steppe zone Sadaclia, Republic of Moldova. DROBETA, Ştiinţele Naturii, XXV, 2015, p. 135–141.
- Kovalchuk О. М., Marareskul V. A., Zakharov D. S., Obadă T. F. Early Pliocene Sturgeons and Bony Fishes from the Dniester Valley (Republic of Moldova). Вестник зоологии, 49(1), Киев, 2015, p. 49-56.
- Нистряну В.Б., Ларион А.Ф., Бурлаку В.И., Караман Н.К., Постолаки В.Е. Фаунистические и экологические особенности сообществ мелких млекопитающих заповедника «Плаюл Фагулуй», Республика Молдова. Вестник Тюменского Государственного Университета. Экология и природопользование, 2015. Т. 1. № 3(3). С. 138-149.
- Cemîrtan N., Munteanu A., Nistreanu V., Sîtnic V., Larion A. Comparative analysis of male behaviour in two sibling species Microtus arvalis Pall. and Microtus rossiaemeridionalis Ogn. (Rodentia, Cricetidae). Oltenia Journal for Studies in Natural Sciences. 2015, 31(1), 166-172.
- Nistreanu V., Andreev S., Larion A., Postolachi V., Caldari V. Bat species (Mammalia, Chiroptera) hibernating in abandoned stone quarries from Saharna, Republic of Moldova. MARISIA. Studii și Materiale, Științele Naturii. 2015, Vol. XXXV, 75-80.
- Кандыба А.В., Григорьев С.Е., Тихонов А.Н., Никольский П.А., Обадэ Т.Ф., Чепрасов М.Ю., Макаров В.С., Новгородов Г.П. Полевые исследования на острове Большой Ляховский (Российская Восточная Арктика). Проблемы археологии, этнографии, антропологии Сибири и сопредельных территорий, 2015, Том XXI, 82-85.
- Nistreanu V., Andreev S., Larion A., Postolachi V., Caldari V. Date on bat hibernation (Mammalia, Chiroptera) in abandoned stone quarries near Cricova town. DROBETA, Ştiinţele Naturii, XXIV, 2014, p. 155–160.
- Burlacu V., Caraman N., Gheorghiţa S., Nistreanu V., Larion A., Cîrlig T., Cîrlig V., Postolachi V. F aunistic and ecological peculiarities of small mammals (Mammalia: Rodentia, Insectivora) from the Southem zone of the Republic of Moldova. DROBETA, Ştiinţele Naturii, XXIV, 2014, p. 161–166.
- Kovalchuk О. М., Zakharov D. S., Marareskul V. A., Obadă T. F. Early Pliocene fishes from Priozernoe locality (Republic of Moldova). Acta zoologica cracoviensia, Kraków, 2014, 57(1-2), p. 43-55.
- Vasilascu N., Nistreanu V., Bogdea L., Postolachi V., Larion A., Caraman N., Crudu V., Caldari V. Diversity and ecological peculiarities of terrestrial vertebrate fauna of Chisinau city, Republic of Moldova. Oltenia Journal for Studies in Natural Sciences, 2013, p. 219-226.
- Баженов Ю. А., Караман Н. К., Шепелев А. А., Осипова О. В., Котенкова Е. В. Ольфакторное сигнальное поле синантропных домовых мышей как фактор, оказывающий влияние на формирование видового состава населения грызунов в постройках. Поволжский экологический журнал. 2013, № 3 pp. 239-248.
- Обадэ Т.Ф. Свидетельства присутствия слонов рода Loxodonta Anonymous, 1827 в плио-плейстоцене Евразии. Всероссийская научно- практическая конференция «Прикладная экология Севера: проблемы, исследования, перспективы». Международный журнал прикладных и фундаментальных исследований, Nr. 8, 2013, c. 260-263.
- Тихонова Г. Н., И. А. Тихонов, Е. В. Котенкова, А. И. Мунтяну, И. Г. Успенская, Ю. Н. Коновалов, В. И. Бурлаку, В. Ф. Кику, С. Д. Георгица, Н. К. Караман, В. Б. Нистреану, А. Н. Мальцев. Сравнительный анализ структуры сообществ мелких млекопитающих двух европейских городов, расположенных в разных природных зонах (Кишинев и Ярославль). Сибирский экологический журнал, № 3, 2012, с. 215-221.
- Cemirtan N., Nistreanu V., Larion A., Savin A. Ethological relations in the communities of two species of wood mice Apodemus uralensis and Apodemus sylvaticus. Oltenia Journal for Studies in Natural Sciences, 2011, 27(2), p. 145-148.
- Larion A. Studies concerning some etological – physiological peculiarities of the species Mus spicilegus Petenyi, 1882. Oltenia Journal for Studies in Natural Sciences, 27(1), 2011, p. 135-138.
- Nistreanu V. Multiannual dynamics of shrew (Mammalia, Soricomorpha, Soricidae) communities in Republic of Moldova. Oltenia Journal for Studies in Natural Sciences, 27(2), 2011, p. 140-144.
- Nistreanu V. Distribution of shrews from genus Sorex Linnaeus, 1758 (Mammalia: Insectivora) on the territory of Republic of Moldova. Travaux du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle Grigore Antipa. 2011, Vol. LIV (2), p. 555–561.
- Nistreanu V., Savin A., Larion A., V. Sîtnic, O. Chihai. Ecological aspects of rodent communities in agrarian ecosystems of Moldova. Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, 68(1), 2011, p. 272-276.
- Nistreanu V., Larion A., Savin A., Mironov L., Corcimaru N., Ţurcanu V., Buburuz D. Unele aspecte geografice şi ecologice ale Rezervaţiei peisagistice Trebujeni (Republica Moldova). ECOTERRA Journal of environmental research and protection. Year VIII, no. 26, 2011, p. 85 – 92.
- Buburuz D., Bobeica V., Nistreanu V. Nistru – trends of environmental change. Environment & Progress, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, vol. XV, 2009, p. 30-38.
- Savin A., Nistreanu V., Corcimaru N., Larion A. Diversity of mammal communities in the ecosystems from the central zone of the Republic of Moldova. Oltenia Journal for Studies in Natural Sciences, 26(2), 2010, p. 259-262.
- Cemîrtan N., Munteanu A., Savin A., Nistreanu V., Larion A. Data on spatial-temporal structure of Apodemus uralensis PALL. (Rodentia: Muridae) populations in agrocoenoses. Oltenia Journal for Studies in Natural Sciences, 26(2), 2010, p. 213-214. Gheorghita S., Chicu V., Fyodorova M., Burlacu V., Caraman N., Gutu A., Culibacinaia E., Melnic V., Benes O. Vector-borne diseases in the Republic of Moldova. Updates and perspectives. Oltenia Journal for Studies in Natural Sciences, 26(2), 2010, p. 95-99.
- Тихонов И.А., Мунтяну А.И., Успенская И.Г., Коновалов Ю.Н., Бурлаку, В.И., Караман Н.К., Нистреану В.Б., Тихонова Г.Н., Котенкова Е.В. Биотопическое распределение, структура популяций и некоторые особенности размножения мелких млекопитающих г. Кишинева. Поволж. экол. журн. 2010, 4, c. 404-415.
- Bogdea L. - Contributions to the study of postembryonic development of chiffchaff nestlings (Phylloscopus collybita, Sylviidae). Oltenia Journal for Studies in Natural Sciences, 2009, 25(2), p. 199-203.
- Vasilascu N., Munteanu A. Biotopic distribution of urban bird fauna in the reproductive period. Oltenia Journal for Studies in Natural Sciences, 2009, 25(2), p. 224-229.
- Savin A., Nistreanu V. Structural – functional transformations of rodent communities in ecosystems of Moldova against a background of anthropogenic and climatic changes. Oltenia Journal for Studies in Natural Sciences, 2009, 25(2), p. 275-280.
- Larion A. Olfactory behaviour in Mus spicilegus Petenyi, 1882 males with various type of central nervous system. Sesiunea Ştiinţifică internaţională. Oltenia Journal for Studies in Natural Sciences, 2009, 25(2), p. 281-284.
- Munteanu A., Cemârtan N., Savin A., Nistreanu V. Orientation – exploratory behaviour of the main rodent species inhabiting the agroecosystems. Oltenia Journal for Studies in Natural Sciences, 2009, 25(2), p. 285-290.
- Bogdea L. Habitat selection and nests building of Chiffchaf (Phylloscopus collybita) in central part of Republic of Moldova. Natura Montenegrina, Podgorica, Herceg Novi, 2008, 7(3), p. 9-15.
- Vasilaşcu N., Bogdea L. Avifauna of city Chisinau in hiemal period. Oltenia Journal for Studies in Natural Sciences, 24, 2008, p. 363- 369.
- Nistreanu V. The importance of long-eared owl Asio otus otus (L.) in rodent control. Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine. Agriculture. Cluj-Napoca, 2007, 63, p. 424-429,
- Котенкова Е., Мунтяну А. Феномен синантропии: адаптации и становлении синантропного образа жизни в процессе эволюции домовых мышей. Успехи современной биологии, 127(5), 2007, c. 525-539.
- Котенкова Е., Мунтяну А. Сравнительный фнфлиз пространственно-этологической структуры группировок у синантропных и дикоживущих видов домовых мышей надвидого комплекса Mus musculus sensu lato: механизм формирования и поддержания. Успехи современной биологии, 125(5), 2006, c. 513-528.
- Nistreanu V. Microtus agrestis (Mammalia: Rodentia) in Someşul Mic basin (Cluj district, Romania). Trav. Mus. Natl. Hist. Nat. “Gr. Antipa”, 2000, XLII, p. 235-242.
- Nistreanu V. Biometric study of the shrews (Soricidae, Insectivora) in two hilly zones of the Someşul Mic basin (Romania). Studia Univ. “Babeş-Bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca, Biol., 2000, XLV (1), p. 95-102.
Papers in national journals:
- Larion A., Nistreanu V., Savin A., Sitnic V. Particularităţile de reproducere a şoarecelui de mişună (Mus spicilegus Petenyi, Rodentia, Muridae) în ecosistemele agrare a Moldovei. Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. Ştiinţele vieţii. 2018, No 1(334), p. 104-110.
- Sîtnic V. Unele aspecte ale adaptărilor microtinelor în ecosistemele din Republica Moldova. Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. Ştiinţele vieţii. 2018, No 1(334), p. 118-126.
- Burlacu V., Nistreanu V., Larion A. Caterinciuc N. Structura comunităților de mamifere mici (Rodentia, Soricomorpha) în agrocenozele zonei de nord a Republicii Moldova. Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. Ştiinţele vieţii. 2018, No 1(334), p. 126-133.
- Munteanu A., Savin A., Sîtnic V., Zubcov N. Structura ecologică a populației speciei Cricetulus migratorius (Pallas,1773) la limita de vest a arealului. Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. Ştiinţele vieţii. Nr. 2. 2018 pp. 65-7.
- Burlacu V., Caterinciuc N., Nistreanu V., Larion A., Gheorghiţa S., Guţu A., Melnic V., Culibacinaia E. Particularităţile ecologice şi epizootologice ale mamiferelor mici şi rolul lor în formarea şi menţinerea focarelor naturale şi antropurgice de leptospiroză în zona de nord a Republicii Moldova. Buletinul AȘM, Științele medicale. Nr.1(53), 2017, p. 50-54.
- Марарескул В.А. Новые данные о роде Dinofelis Zdansky, 1924 из плиоцена нижнего течения Днестра. Buletinul Institutului de Geologie si Seismologie al ASM. 2015, 1-2, 94-96.
- Covalenco S., Croitor R. Производственный и хозяйственный инвентарь из кости, рога и бивня с многослойной стоянки верхнего палеолита Косэуць. Revista arheologica. 2016, 12 (1-2), c. 283-295.
- Koloda V. V., Croitor R. Животноводство населения салтовской культуры в лесостепной части Северского Донца (Украина). Часть 2. Revista arheologica. 2016, 12 (1-2), p. 296-319.
- Sîtnic V., Nistreanu V., Larion A., Munteanu A., Savin A., Postolachi V. Structura şi diversitatea comunităţilor de rozătoare mici în terenurile neprelucrate din zona centrală a Republicii Moldova. Buletinul AŞM. Ştiinţele vieţii. 2015, 3 (327), p. 90-98.
- Larion A., Nistreanu V., Sîtnic V., Savin A. Dinamica efectivului speciei Mus spicilegus Petenyi 1882 (Rodentia, Muridae) în Republica Moldova în dependenţă de condiţiile climatice. Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. Ştiinţele vieţii. Nr. 2(323) 2014. Chişinău, 99 – 105.
- Sîtnic V., Nistreanu V., Savin A., Larion A. Procesul reproductiv la speciile Microtus arvalis şi Microtus rossiaemeridionalis (Rodentia, Cricetidae). Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. Ştiinţele vieţii. Nr. 2(323) 2014. Chişinău, p. 115 – 122.
- Caraman N., Nistreanu V., Larion A., Burlacu V., Cirlig V. Demographic structure of small rodent populations from Chisinau urban ecosystems, Republic of Moldova. Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. Ştiinţele vieţii. 2014, No 3(324), p. 116-121.
- Sîtnic V., Nistreanu V., Savin A., Larion A., Munteanu A., Cemîrtan N. Particularităţile ecologice ale speciei Microtus arvalis (Rodentia, Cricetidae) în condiţiile aridităţii sporite. Buletinul AŞM. Ştiinţele vieţii. Nr. 1(319) 2013. P.101-110.
Methodical instructions and brochures
- NISTREANU, Victoria, PALADI, Viorica, SAVIN, Anatolie, LARION, Alina, SÎTNIC, Victor, CALDARI, Vladislav. Păsările acvatice și de baltă din bazinul fluviului Nistru și râului Prut. Chişinău: Editura USM, 2024, 89 p. ISBN 978-9975-62-817-4 https://doi.org/10.53937/9789975628174
- ȚURCAN, Vladimir, NISTREANU, Victoria, SÎTNIC, Victor, LARION, Alina. Diversitatea herpetofaunei Republicii Moldova. Îndrumar. Chişinău: S. n., 2023, 65 p. ISBN 978-9975-3644-2-3. https://doi.org/10.53937/9789975364423
- Savin A., Caisîn V., Ciocoi O., Nistreanu V., Șcerbliuc M., Grosu Gh. Instrucțiuni pentru evaluarea efectivelor speciilor de interes cinegetic. Ghid metodologic. Chișinău: Continental Grup, 2022, 82 p. ISBN 978-9975-3544-8-6.
- Nistreanu V., Caldari V., Larion A., Dibolscaia N. Liliecii – prietenii noștri neștiuți. Chişinău: S. n., 2022 (Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM), 73 p. ISBN 978-9975-159-98-2. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53937/9789975159982
- Nistreanu V., Savin A., Țurcan V., Larion A., Paladi V., Sîtnic V. Metode de cercetare pe teren a faunei de vertebrate terestre. Indicație metodică. Chişinău: F.E.-P. ”Tipografia Centrală”, 2021, 64 p. ISBN 978-5-88554-038-4
- Chicu V., Gheorghiţa S., Burlacu V., Guţu A., Culibacinaia E., Melnic V., Nistreanu V., Larion A. Colectarea, evidenţa şi pronosticarea numărului mamiferelor mici în anumite teritorii. Indicaţie metodică. Chişinău, 2012, 52 p.
- Andreev A., Talmaci I., Şabanova G., Josan L., Josu V., Izverskaia T., Munteanu A., Barcari I., Jurminschi S., Derjanschi V., Rotaru I., Romanciuc A., Şuberneţkii I., Ţurcanu V., Sîrodoev Gh., Zubcov N., Bondarenco A. Convenţia Ramsar şi zone umede de importanţa internaţională în Republica Moldova. Chişinău: Societatea Ecologică „BIOTICA”, 2008, 84 p.
- Shabanova G., Turcanu V., Izverskaia T., Derjanschi V., Rotaru A., Andreev A. 2005. Stepele Nistrului de Jos: bogăție și sărăcie. Chisinau.Soc. Ecologiocă ”Biotica”, 48 p.
- Andreev A., Josan L., Şabanova G., Ghendov V., Munteanu A., Postolachi V., Jurminschi S., Romanciuc A., Sîrodoev Gh., Şuberneţkii I., Ţurcanu V., Derjanschi V., Bondarenco A., Talmaci I. Diversitatea biologică naturală şi reţeaua ecologică a Moldovei în context internaţional. Biotica, 2009, 35 p.
- Andreev A. Talmaci I., Şabanova G., Josan L., Josu V., Izverskaia T. Turcanu V., Derjanschi V., Jurminschi S. Convenţia Ramsar şi zonele umede de importanţă internaţională în Republica Moldova. BIOTICA, Chişinău, 2008, 84 p.
- Zubcov N., Ţurcanu V., Derjanschii V., Jurminschii S., Postolachi V., Buciuceanu L. Prutul de Mijloc – o speranţă pentru supravieţuirea speciilor rare de păsări, reptile, amfibieni şi insecte. REC Moldova. Chişinău, 2005, 24 p.