The monograph ”Entomopathogenic fungi” of authors Anna Moldovan, Natalia Munteanu-Molotievskiy, Ion Toderaș presents the micromycetes with an essential role in regulating the number of insects harmful to crops. The work includes a general characteristic of the entomopathogenic fungi, data on classification, phylogenetic relationships, biology, ecology and methods of research. Also, it presents the results of the study carried out between 2010 and 2020 regarding the development of fungal-based biopesticides for controlling pest weevils, which are based on native strains isolated from the natural environment.
The research presented in this monograph represents a road map towards the potential of entomopathogenic fungi in ensuring sustainable agriculture, and aligns with national and international strategies in this field. Native fungal strains possess advantageous technological properties to employ as biological control agents in integrated pest management strategies.
Anna Moldovan, dr.