Arhiva pentru cuvântul-cheie: Zoologie

The mute swan (Cygnus olor) and the whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus) are vulnerable species, included in the Red Book of the Republic of Moldova (2015). They are large, robust and heavy birds with long and thin necks. Body weight is 9 kg in females and 12 kg in males, wingspan reaches 2-2.5 m. The swans are the largest water birds and are among the largest flying birds. The mute swan is widespread in Europe and Asia. In the Republic of Moldova, it can be found practically in all water bodies. In recent years, about 800 hatchling pairs have been evaluated at the nesting site. The Black Sea basin is...
On December 8, 2023, at the Institute of Zoology, Moldova State University, a training on the identification of bat species using ultrasounds took place, within the cross-border project „CHIROHUB: a multi-tool for bat research and conservation in Romania and Moldova”, financed by EuroBats Project Initiative. The training was led by Dr. Irina Pocora and Dr. Viorel Pocora, members of the NGO „Center for Bat Research and Conservation”, Romania. From the beginning, a presentation was made about ultrasound identification devices for bat species from Romania and the Republic of Moldova, after which...
On Tuesday, October 17, 2023, within the Biological Invasions Research Center, a public lesson was held for the students of the 10th and 11th grades of the Republican Theoretical Lyceum "Aristotel", Chișinău. Students were welcomed by the Corr.Mem., Dr. Hab., Prof. Laurenția Ungureanu, director of the Institute of Zoology, Moldova State University, who also made an overview of the research centers within the Institute of Zoology, the main fields of their activity, as well as of some relevant scientific works published by the research teams. During the event, Dr. Anna Moldovan and PhD student...