On 7-8 November 2024, the researchers of the Institute of Zoology participated in a series of events, organized by the Moldova State University with the aim to highlight the scientific results and, at the same time, to mark the World Science Day for Peace and Development, celebrated annually on 10 November.
Celebration started with an exhibition, at which the Institute of Zoology presented a series of works published during the last years and awards obtained at the invention and book exhibitions.
The national scientific conference with international participation „Integration through Research and Innovation” was the event, which brought together the most numerous audience. Researchers of the Institute of Zoology, being represented by Dr. Natalia Borodin, Dr. Elena Iurcu-Străistaru, Dr. Hab. Elena Zubcov, Correspondent Member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Dr. Hab. Dumitru Bulat, Dr. Hab. Ștefan Rusu, Dr. Alina Larion, presented their works in the „Exact and Natural Sciences" section, the „Biology and Ecology” workshop, 2nd panel.
On the next day, the Performance Gala in Research 2024 took place, which summarised the participation of MSU in the invention and book exhibitions of the current year. It should be noted that in 2024 the Institute of Zoology presented its works at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva, the International Salon of Invention and Innovative Entrepreneurship (Chișinău), the 16th EUROINVENT European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation (Iași), the 10th International Exhibition of Inventions and Innovations „Traian Vuia” (Timișoara), 3rd EXCELLENT IDEA International Exhibition of Innovation and Technological Transfer (Chișinău). Most of books presented at the book fairs in Chișinău and Iași were monographs published in the last 3 years.
Dr. Lucia Bilețchi