The methodological guide includes the biology, ecology and distribution of 98 leaf- and planthopper species from 60 genera and 10 families. The biological cycle of these species are related to various tree species, fruiting and forest shrubs, vine plantations. Cicadas belong to Class Insecta, order Hemiptera, suborder Auchenorrhyncha.
The material presented in this work is based on the author own research accumulated during the study and selected from literature. Most leaf- and planthopper species populate the entire surface of the Earth covered with vegetation, from the subarctic to the southern regions of the continents. The number of Auchenorrhyncha species varies primarily depending on the richness and variety of vegetation. Leaf- and planthopper species, due to their nutritional preferences, are phytophagous.
Due to their significant role as consumers of plant matter, these insects play an important role in ecological studies that determine the degree of disturbance to certain communities. Cicadas are an important food chain in natural ecosystems, particularly for insectivorous birds. Some Auchenorrhyncha species are widespread and have large populations, others occur less frequently and in smaller numbers.
Most leaf- and planthopper species are harmful, which is manifested through damage with various symptoms such as sucking plant sap and infestation of plants with viruses. They also produce wounds on young shoots and branches by incisions with their ovipositor, and spread phytopathogenic microorganisms.
Some representatives of this group are adventive species, whose penetration on the territory of the Republic of Moldova is generated by the import of a significant amount of fruit, forest and decorative planting materials (Arboridia kakogawana, Erasmoneura vulnerata, Japananus hyalinus, Metcalfa pruinosa, Orientus ishidae, Phlogotettix cyclops, Scaphoideus titanus, Stictocephala bisonia). The process of acclimatization of adventive species is favourable in the environmental conditions of the country, so they are kept in the sights of specialists.
The methodological guide can be consulted at the Scientific Library "A. Lupan", 5 Academiei Street, Chișinău.
Citation: Grozdeva Svetlana. Cicadele (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha) dendrobionte și tamnobionte din Republica Moldova : Ghid metodologic. Chişinău: [S. n.], 2023 (Căpăţînă - Print). 108 p. ISBN 978-9975-3644-3-0. https://doi.org/10.53937/9789975364430
Svetlana Grozdeva