On Tuesday, October 17, 2023, within the Biological Invasions Research Center, a public lesson was held for the students of the 10th and 11th grades of the Republican Theoretical Lyceum "Aristotel", Chișinău.
Students were welcomed by the Corr.Mem., Dr. Hab., Prof. Laurenția Ungureanu, director of the Institute of Zoology, Moldova State University, who also made an overview of the research centers within the Institute of Zoology, the main fields of their activity, as well as of some relevant scientific works published by the research teams.
During the event, Dr. Anna Moldovan and PhD student Istrati Sorina discussed with the students the basic principles of systematics and molecular phylogeny and some important aspects of taxonomy based on molecular characters. The fields of application of systematics and molecular phylogeny and some research directions of the researchers of the Institute of Zoology were highlighted. Doctoral student Sorina Istrati presented information about the DNA barcoding technique and its fields of use, with a special focus on her doctoral project.
The lecture was followed by a visit in the Laboratory of Molecular Systematics and Phylogeny within the Research Center of Biological Invasions, where the essential methodological steps and aspects of the study of nucleic acids were explained.
We are looking forward to all those interested in the fascinating universe of the biological sciences!
Dr. Anna Moldovan