Monograph ”Treatise on parasites associated with domestic animals”, author Dumitru Erhan, presents the results of own research and analysis of the literature on the level of infestation with parasitic agents of domestic animals in the Republic of Moldova before and after restructuring in the livestock sector, ways of infestation, influence on the host organism of mono-, polyinvasions and of antiparasitic remedies, their impact on the quality indices of edible products of animal origin and also economic damage caused by the mono- and polyinvasions in animals, methods and techniques of diagnosis for post-mortem diagnosis of helminthiasis at animals, prophylaxis and treatment of parazitoses etc.
Work is intended for specialists in the veterinary sector, as well as students from the faculties of veterinary medicine, biology, ecology. It will be a useful source of information in developing measures to reduce parasitic agents in humans, domestic animals, wild and pets, contributing to the increase of the production indices of rented animals and improvement of some parameters of the national economy.
Monograph is developed within the fundamental institutional projects of the Institute of Zoology (project codes: 15.817.02.12F; 20.80009.7007.12).
The book is available at the National Library of Moldova, the Andrei Lupan Central Scientific Library of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, the Library of the State Agrarian University of Moldova. Interested readers are also encouraged to contact the author.
Dumitru Erhan, doctor habilitat, research professor