The second international conference within the BSB27 MONITOX project – Environmental Challenges in the Black Sea Basin: the Impact on Human Health – took place on 23-26 September 2020, being organized by the Lead Beneficiary of the project – the Dunarea de Jos University of Galați, Romania. One of the sessions of the conference was organized in the premises of the Institute of Zoology, being moderated by cor.mem. Elena Zubcov and dr. Lucia Bilețchi. The session in Chisinau brought together the both beneficiaries of BSB27 project from the Republic of Moldova - Institute of Zoology and Institute of Geology and Seismology.
Taking into account the epidemiological situation in the country, in the context of the pandemy of COVID-19, the session in Chisinau gathered a small number of participants - about 20 people. The participants' communications focused on the content and distribution of toxic substances in the soil (dr. Oleg Bogdevici), surface waters (Petru Ciorba, dr. Lucia Bilețchi), living organisms (mem.cor. Elena Zubcov, dr. Nadejda Andreev), the use of aquatic organisms in assessing the quality of surface waters (dr. Daria Tumanova, Ddr. Olga Jurminskaia), ways of preserving the biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems, which are subject to anthropogenic impact (dr. Hab. Dumitru Bulat).
The conference program is available on the project web site https://www.monitox.ugal.ro/, and the presented posters can be found HERE.