Arhiva pentru cuvântul-cheie: Republica Moldova

On 10 November 2023, the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, like the entire scientific community, celebrated the World Science Day for Peace and Development. In the festive meeting, organized on this occasion, various distinctions of ASM were handed out, including to the researchers of the Institute of Zoology: Dimitrie Cantemir Medal – to Dr. Assoc.Prof. Nicolai Zubcov, leading scientific researcher in the Laboratory of Terrestrial Vertebrates; Dimitrie Cantemir Medal – to Dr. Hab. Prof. Dumitru Erhan, principal scientific researcher in the Laboratory of Parasitology and Helminthology; Academic...
On Science Day, ASM Award Laureates Gala gathered researchers to record the valuable results of those who devoted themselves to research. This year the Alexandru Ciubotaru Award of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova in the field of Biology and Ecology was awarded to Dumitru Erhan, doctor habilitate in biological sciences, research professor, and Ștefan Rusu, doctor in biological sciences, associate professor, for their valuable scientific achievements obtained in 2021-2022 and included in the work cycle "Associated parasites in domestic and wild animals, impact on the host organism...
In the context of the World Science Day for Peace and Development, the Moldova State University organized a festive event on 7 November 2023, called the Performance Gala in Research 2023. In the first part of the event, some distinctions obtained by researchers of MSU at various invention exhibitions, organized recently in Romania, have been handed out. Thus, the author collective formed by Elena Zubcov, Natalia Zubcov, Laurenţia Ungureanu, Nina Bagrin, Liviu-Dan Miron, Denis Bulat, Petru Ciorba, Lucia Bileţchi and Nadejda Andreev received the gold medal, which was awarded by the Inventions...