The Institute of Zoology was visited on 25 April 2024 by 16 students in the 2nd year, undergraduate cycle (Biology, Ecology and Molecular Biology study programs), from the Faculty of Biology and Geosciences of the Moldova State University (USM).
The students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves on site with the research potential of the institute six laboratories, convincing themselves of the wide spectrum of research carried in such fields as zoology, including paleozoology, entomology, hydrobiology, hydrochemistry, parasitology and newer - molecular biology. Both museums of the institute - the Museum of Fossil Faunal Complexes from Moldova and the Museum of Entomology - also opened their doors wide. The young people were accompanied by PhD, Assoc. Prof. Elena Enciu, vice dean of the Faculty of Biology and Geosciences and, at the same time, leading scientific researcher in the Institute of Zoology.
The student group was joined by teaching staff from the Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnologies of the Faculty of Biology and Geology, Babeș-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, who are currently on a study visit to USM: PhD, Assoc. Prof. Iuliana Lupan and PhD Rahela Carpa, university lecturer.
It should be noted that the students and teaching staff of the Faculty of Biology and Geosciences were preliminarily informed about the activity of the Institute of Zoology by the director of the Institute of Zoology, Laurentia Ungureanu, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Dr.Hab., Prof., on 27 March 2024, within the Faculty's Open Doors Day.
Text: Lucia Bilețchi, PhD, Assoc. Prof.
Photo: Elena Enciu, PhD, Assoc. Prof.