From October 10 to 21, 2023, the Institute of Zoology was visited by Laëtitia Demay, Doctor of Prehistoric Archeology and scientific researcher of the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, France.
Throughout the visit, Mrs. Laëtitia Demay worked on the analysis of osteological and dental pieces from the Paleolithic sites Climăuți II (Climăuții de Jos, Șoldănești) and Duruitoarea Veche cave (Duruitoarea Veche, Râșcani).
Field research was carried out in the Trinca I and Trinca II caves (Trinca, Edineț); Brânzeni I cave (Brânzeni, Edineț); Buzdujeni I cave (Buzdujeni, Edineț); Duruitoarea Veche cave (Duruitoarea Veche, Râșcani), where a fragment of a molar and an ivory fragment of a forest elephant (Elephas antiquus), fragments of mandibles and isolated teeth of cave bears, glutton, horses, bison, reindeer teeth and antler fragments were collected, as well as tools of Paleolithic prehistoric people.
At the end of the visit, a public lecture was held with the theme "Recherches archéologiques sur le paléolithique supérieur en République de Moldavie", where data on the joint researches from the Paleolithic sites of the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Romania were presented. There were included pieces from Brânzeni I (Brânzeni, Edineț), Buzdujeni I (Buzdujeni, Edineț), Duruitoarea Veche (Duruitoarea Veche, Râșcani) caves, Costești I (Costești, Râșcani), Ciuntu I (Corjeuți, Briceni), Podgori I (Holoșnița, Soroca) sites from the Republic of Moldova.
Dr. Livia Calestru, Teodor Obadă