Six researchers of the Institute of Zoology, Moldova State University, have been distinguished by the Academy of Sciences of Moldova during 2024 for their considerable contribution to the development of fundamental and applied research in such fields as zoology, parasitology and aquatic ecology:
- Vladimir Țurcan, Dr., Assoc.Prof., leading scientific researcher in the Laboratory of Terrestrial Vertebrates – Academic Merit Diploma;
- Svetlana Bacal, Dr.Hab., Assoc.Prof., leading scientific researcher in the Laboratory of Entomology – Academic Merit Diploma;
- Ștefan Rusu, Dr.Hab., Assoc.Prof. – Nicolae Milescu Spătaru Medal;
- Maria Melnic, Dr., Assoc.Prof., leading scientific researcher in the Laboratory of Parasitology and Helminthology – Dimitrie Cantemir Medal;
- Olga Jurminskaia, Dr., senior scientific researcher in the Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Ecotoxicology – Academic Merit Diploma;
- Galina Bușmachiu, Dr.Hab., Assoc.Prof., Head of the Laboratory of Entomology – Nicolae Milescu Spătaru Medal.
The awards were handed at the festive meetings of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova on 12 November (https://asm.md/academia-romana-si-academia-de-stiinte-moldovei-au-lansat-deceniul-international-al-stiintelor) and 19 December 2024 (https://asm.md/eveniment-festiv-la-academia-de-stiinte-moldovei-totalizarea-anului-stiintific-2024).
Moreover, during the festive meeting of the ASM from 19 December, at which the totals of the 2024 scientific year were made, the Institute of Zoology was awarded the Diploma of Excellence, as appreciation for the innovative research approach and the valuable scientific developments obtained in the period 2023-2024, as well as participation in the 3rd edition of the Research and Innovation Festival "Science for Peace and Development: Creativity, Experience, Perspectives" – an event organized by the ASM on 12 November 2024. Diploma was handed to the director of the Institute of Zoology Laurenția Ungureanu, Dr.Hab., Prof., Correspondent Member of the ASM.
Lucia Bilețchi, Dr., Assoc.Prof.