The INPOLDE research center within the Faculty of Sciences and Environment, Dunarea de Jos University of Galati, organised on 19-20 October 2023 the International Conference and Workshop “Interdisciplinary applications of advanced analytical and control techniques in environment, health and materials science - INTERVENT”, with three thematic sections: advanced analytical and modelling techniques applied in environment and health interdisciplinary research (I), advanced characterization techniques applied in materials science (II) and physics and biology integration in education (III). The conference program is available HERE.
Some researchers from the Institute of Zoology were part of the conference international scientific committee: Corr.Mem. Elena Zubcov (co-chair), Corr.Mem. Laurenția Ungureanu, Acad. Ion Toderaș (honorary members), Dr. Nina Bagrin, Dr. Lucia Bilețchi and Dr.Hab. Dumitru Bulat. Moreover, as partner institution, the Institute of Zoology has taken responsibility for editing the book of abstracts, which will be available soon.
In the plenary session, Mem.Cor. Elena Zubcov held a lecture with the topic ”Study of the migration and impact of metals on the functioning of aquatic ecosystems”. Other communications of the Institute of Zoology were presented in the poster session.
It is important to mention that the infrastructure of INPOLDE laboratories is related with the research equipment purchased by MIS ETC 1676 project partner institutions from the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine (Institute of Zoology, Institute of Geology and Seismology, Chișinău, Ukrainian Scientific Centre of Ecology of the Sea, Odessa). The profile of INPOLDE center on the EERTIS platform is available HERE.
Lucia Bilețchi