Head of laboratory: Bulat Dumitru, habilitated doctor in biology Address: mun. Chişinău str.Academiei 1, of. 209 Phone: (37322) 739918 Fax: (37322) 739809 |
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The history of the laboratory and ichthyology researches in our republic dates with the 1947 year, the year of creation of Zoology Section of Science Academy Base from the USSR, of science researches in Moldova, its head being the academic M.F. Iaroșenco. Further, in 1961, with the founding of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, the laboratory, as the structural unity of Zoology Institute conducted fundamental and applicable scientific researches for the inventory of the republic ichthyofauna, for the elaboration of the perspective forecast of the functional state of aquatic ecosystems and the recommendations for the increase of fish productivity in the aquatic objectives of the republic.
For the first time in the Experimental Ichthyology Laboratory of the Zoology Institute of the Science Academy of the Republic of Moldova, were achieved researches of acclimatization of the American catfish (Ictalurus punctatus Raf.) in the water pools of the Republic of Moldova.
For the first time were achieved multilateral researches of the biology of the American catfish (Ictalurus punctatus Raf.), were created the biological bases of acclimatization, were materialized some biotechnological elements of breeding and growth of this fish in different kinds of water pools in Moldova. The research results permitted the approval obtaining of the Ichthyological Comission of the Ministry of Fisheries of the former Soviet Union and served to the foundation of the biological bases of acclimatization of the American catfish in the refrigerant lake of the Thermal Power Plant in Moldova. In the mentioned investigations were elaborated the criteria of selection of age structure of the American catfish for the aquatic ecosystems population of various types and its use in the quality of biological breeder.
Another important project for the aquatic ecosystems in the Republic of Moldova , achieved by the laboratory researches was that of the sturgeon restocking of the inferior area of the Nistru river. Installations for reproduction in natural and artificial conditions of various fish species were elaborated, assembled and implemented, including the endangered species which are in the Red Book of the Republic of Moldova. The researches of the Zoology Institute, in common with the employees of the S.R.L. “ACVATIR” of Tiraspol, in 2009 stocked the Nistru with 50000 specimens of sturgeon spawn, Acipenser guldenstaedtii, a species included in the Red Book of the Republic of Moldova, protected at European and international level.
In the laboratory were obtained mainly new knowledge concerning fish fauna, through the integration of the ecological methods in the classic ichthyological investigations in order to reveal the relational particularities at different levels of superindividual organization and subindividual integration, of deciphering the mechanisms of maintenance of ecosystem stability and of the elaboration of a sustainable strategy of efficient and rational capitalization of fish fund. For the first time was evaluated the reproductive potential at some allogeneic and intervening species of fish, such as: Lepomis gibbosus (Linnaeus, 1758), Pseudorasbora parva (Temminck & Schlegel, 1846), Perccottus glenii Dybowski, 1877, Gasterosteus aculeatus Linnaeus, 1758, Syngnathus abaster Risso, 1827, Ponticola kessleri (Gunther, 1861), Neogobius melanostomus (Pallas, 1814), Neogobius fluviatilis ( Pallas, 1814) through histological investigations.
The descriptions of the ichthyofauna was included as component part in various publications of laboratory researchers, including in the collective monograph in 6 volumes ,,Животный мир Молдавии” (“The Animal World of Moldova”), “ The Red Book of Moldova”, the II and the III editions and others. Together were published about 1000 scientific works, 8 collections and 16 monographs, including “ The Animal World of the Republic of Moldova”, mentioned with the National Prize in the field of science (2013), 45 practical recommendations for the national economy, were obtained over 40 patents at different National and International Salons and Exhibitions.

Profesorul Marin Usatîi cu discipolii dr. hab. Dumiru Bulat și dr. Denis Bulat

Dl. dr. hab. Marin Usatîi cu discipolii Vatavu Dumitru și Cebotari Andrei
Project in progress:
- 20.80009.7007.06 Determining the changes of aquatic environment, assessing the migration and impact of pollutants, establishing the patterns of the functioning of hydrobiocenoses and preventing the negative effects on ecosystems – AQUABIO / project within the State Program 2020-2023
- eMS BSB 165 Creating a system of innovative transboundary monitoring of the Black Sea river ecosystems transformation under impacts of hydropower development and climate change, HydroEcoNex/ UE ENI CBC Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020 (2018-2021)
- eMS BSB 27 Black Sea Basin interdisciplinary cooperation network for sustainable joint monitoring of environmental toxicants migration, improved evaluation of ecological state and human health impact of harmful substances, and public exposure, MONITOX/ UE ENI CBC Joint Operational Programme Black Sea Basin 2014-2020 (2018-2021)
Finalised projects:
- 15.817.02.27 A. Establishing the structure, functioning, tolerance of hydrobiont communities and developing the scientific principles of the management of bioproductivity of aquatic ecosystems –AQUASYS/ applicative institutional project (2015-2019)
- System of monitoring of the quality of fishery products to ensure food security in the Republic of Moldova/ project within the State Program „Food security and safety during the period of demographic transition” (2018-2019)
- MIS ETC 1676 Cross-border interdisciplinary cooperation for the prevention of natural disasters and mitigation of environmental pollution in Lower Danube Euroregion –INPOLDE/ Joint Operational Program Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013, (2013-2015)
- MIS ETC 1150 Project resources pilot centre for cross-border preservation of the aquatic biodiversity of Prut River/ Joint Operational Program Romania-Ukraine-Republic of Moldova 2007-2013 (2012-2015)
- 11.817.08.15A Assessment of diversity, peculiarities of ecological successions, and elaboration on the methodology of integrated monitoring of aquatic ecosystems in the context of the European Directives/ applicative institutional project (2011-2014)
- 10.08.079F Biological invasions and their impact on the diversity, structure and functioning of natural and anthropic ecosystems in the Republic of Moldova/ fundamental institutional project (2011-2014)
- 11.819.08.04A Assessment of the diversity, structure and functional status of wetland ichthyocenoses in the aquatic ecosystems of the Lower Prut / project for young researchers, (2011-2012).
Scientific Contracts:
- 03/2027 CS Biological argumentation of the aquatic basin fishing productivity on the territory of Gheleuza village rn. Straseni.
- 05/2017 CS Theoretical-scientific counting of the fish breeded in the lake located in the village of Popestii-de-Sus, Drochia district after it being populated in the Spring of 2008 and 2011 years.
- 06/2017 CS Biologic argumentation of the lake’s natural productivity in Horodca village.
- 05/2018 CS Determining the specific composition of the ichthyofauna in Javgur pond (Cimislia disctrict) and elaborating the measures to increase the fish productivity.
- 08/2018 CS The qualitative composition of the ichthyofauna and the quantitative state of the phytoplankton and zooplankton in the Raut river (Domulgeni - Cazanesti section) during the years of 2002-2017 and the current situation of the fish populations.
- 05/2019 CS The specific composition of the ichthyofauna in the Darurile Basarabiei ponds and the elaboration of measures to increase the fish productivity.
- 08/2019 CS The specific composition of the ichthyofauna in the Javgur pond and the elaboration of measures to increase productivity.
- Installation for ecological and industrial reproduction of pelagophilic fish. Patent Nr. 1418 din 2019.08.02. Crepis, O.; Usatîi, M.; Bulat, Dm.; Bulat, D.; Șaptefrați N., Usatîi, Ad. http://www.db.agepi.md/Inventions/details/s%202019%200087
- Device for attracting insects for feeding fish. Patent Nr. 1207 din 2018.01.24. Bulat Dumitru, Crepis Oleg, Usatîi Marin, Bulat Denis, Usatîi Adrian. http://www.db.agepi.md/Inventions/details/s%202017%200066
- Installation for incubation of fish eggs under water course conditions. Patent Nr. 1272 din 26.12.2017. Crepis, O., Usatîi, M., Bulat, Dm., Bulat, Dn., Șaptefrați, N., Usatîi, A. http://www.db.agepi.md/Inventions/details/s%202017%200136
- Installation for incubation of fish eggs in watercourse conditions. Patent Nr. 1112 Z din 31.08.2017. Crepis, O.; Usatîi, M.; Bulat, Dm.; Bulat, D.; Usatîi, Ad. http://www.db.agepi.md/Inventions/details/s%202016%200083
- Fish breeding installation. Patent Nr. 1043. 2016.06.30. Crepis, O.; Usatîi, M.; Toderaș.I; Dadu, A.; Șaptefrați, N.; Usatîi, A.
- http://www.db.agepi.md/Inventions/details/s%202015%200080 (Implementat )
- Feed for phytophagous fish fry. Patent Nr. 717 din 2014.01.31. Usatîi, A.; Dadu, A.; Chiseliţa, N.; Usatîi, M. http://www.db.agepi.md/Inventions/details/s%202013%200162
Patents implemented in:
- Individual enterprise “ Marin-Alexandru”, village Sadâc”, Cantemir district.
Patent Nr. 1418. Period 20.06.2019- 20.07.2019
The results of the implementation:During the implementation of the installation, the obtaining caviar succeeded from 70% females, after, the caviar during the process of incubation reached a flock of 5, 6 million amur larvae. The rate of caviar fertility was about 80% and the rate of survival of the viable larvae – 66 %, that constitutes 3, 7 million individuals. The rate of the survival of adults females was 100%.
Patent Nr. 1207. Period 12.06-16.08.2018
The results of implementation: As the result of implementation of the device it was found that the feeding of the carp brood with mosquitoes, mosquitoes larvae and other insects contributed to the increase of the body mass with 4-7% ( in comparison with the witness pond, and the catching of harmful insects from the ponds contributed at the increasing survival rate of the brood with 9-12%.
Patent Nr. 499. Period 17.04-16.06.2018
The results of implementation: The increasing of the process efficiency of the pike perch brood through the creation of optimal nutritional conditions. That permitted the considerable decreasing of the loss of spawn after their population in ponds. Ensures an increased growth and survival rate of the brood as well as the transition in optimal terms of all the fish to the predatory mode of nutrition. Therefore cannibalism is avoided in mass, increases the survival of grown pike perch brood and their adaptive abilities at their population in natural pools.
Patent Nr 1043. Period 20.05.2016- 03.10.2016
The results of implementation: As result, during 4 months of brood growth, a viability of 95% was registered and the fish productivity constituted 50 kg/m3, the average mass of the seedling was of 50 gr.
- Fisheries Service of the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and the Environment, period.
Patent Nr. 1112. Period 10.07.2018-11.09.2018
The results of implementation: The invention result consists of the increase effectiveness of fish reproduction based on the new constructive elements of the installation ensuring modeling of optimal incubation conditions of the embryonic caviar of different fish species with a sensitive membrane and its protection from injuries and the increasing of the embryonic caviar vitality.
Patent Nr. 9045. Period 10.07.2018- 11.09.2018
The results of implementation: The result consists of the increase effectiveness of fish reproduction based on the new constructive elements of the installation, ensuring modeling of optimal incubation conditions of the embryonic caviar of different fish species with a sensitive membrane and its protection from injuries and the increasing of the embryonic caviar vitality.
- S. A. Piscicola “ Gura Bîcului”
Patent Nr. 717. Period 20.06.2019- 20.07.2019
The results of implementation: Grape marc flour and bio-based products beta-glucans were administrated in fodder for amur which contributed at the percent increasing of brood viability with about 30%.
Mentions at invention exhibitions
- EUROINVENT-2020, 12th Edition, Iași, Romania
Silver medal (Crepis Oleg, Bulat Dumitru, Usatîi Marin, Bulat Denis, Şaptefraţi Nicolae, Usatîi Adrian) - International Specialized Exhibition "INFOINVENT-2019"
Gold medal (Crepis Oleg, Usatîi Marin, Bulat Dumitru, Bulat Denis, Șaptefrați Nicolae, Usatîi Adrian) - International Specialized Exhibition "INFOINVENT-2017"
Gold medal (Crepis O., Usatîi M., Toderaș I., Șaptefrați N., Dadu A., Usatîi Ad.) - European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation "Euroinvent, 2015", Iasi, Romania.
Silver medal (Usatîi M., Dadu A., Toderaș I., Crepis O., Usatîi Ad., Usatîi Ag., Șaptefrați N.) - Exhibited by Inventica, Karlovac, Croatia (05-07.11. 2015).
Silver medal (Usatîi M., Dadu A., Toderaș I., Crepis O., Usatîi Ad., Usatîi Ag., Șaptefrați N.) - International Specialized Exhibition "INFOINVENT, 2015", Chisinau, Republic of Moldova.
Silver medal (Usatîi M., Dadu A., Toderaș I., Crepis O., Usatîi Ad., Usatîi Ag., Șaptefrați N.)
- Bulat, Dumitru, Bulat, Denis, Șaptefrați, Nicolae, Dadu, Ana. Ihtiofauna fluviului Nistru (în limitele teritoriale ale Republicii Moldova). Chişinău: Editura USM, 2023, 132 p. ISBN 978-9975-62-654-5. https://doi.org/10.53937/9789975626545
- Bulat, Dumitru, Bulat, Denis. Bunele practici în piscicultura tradițională. Ghid metodic. Chişinău: Editura USM, 2023, 87 p. ISBN 978-9975-62-655-2. https://doi.org/10.53937/9789975626552
- Bulat, Dumitru. Reglementările din domeniul protecției și folosirii raționale a resurselor biologice acvatice naturale din Republica Moldova. Chișinău: S.n., 2022 (Sofart Studio), 124 p. ISBN 978-9975-3537-0-0. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53937/9789975353700 Download
- Bulat, Denis; Șaptefrați, Nicolae; Usatîi, Marin; Bulat, Dumitru. Ihtiofauna râului Prut (în limitele teritoriale ale Republicii Moldova). Chişinău: S. n., 2022 (Centrul Editorial-Poligrafic al USM), 98 p. ISBN 978-9975-62-468-8
- Usatîi, M.; Usatîi, Ad.; Crepis, O.; Şaptefraţi, N.; Bulat, Dm.; Bulat, Dn;, Toderaş, I.; Cebanu, A.; Dadu, A. Evaluarea stării resurselor piscicole. Chişinău: ”Balacron”, 2017, -142 p. ISBN 978-9975-128-92-6. [574.5/.5+639.2](478) E-93.
- Bulat, Dm. Ihtiofauna Republicii Moldova: amenințări, tendințe și recomandări de reabilitare. Chișinău: Foxtrod, 2017, -343 p. ISBN: 978-9975-89-070-0. CZU 597.2/.5 (478) B 91. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53937/9789975890700. Download
- Usatîi Adrian, Șaptefrați Nicolae, Usatîi Marin, Dadu Ana "Resursele piscicole naturale ale Republicii Moldova" // consacrată 70 ani de la crearea primelor instituții de cercetare din Republica Moldova și 55 ani de la fondarea Academiei de Științe a Moldovei; Acad. de Științe a Moldovei, Inst. de Zoologie. - Chişinău: Balacron, 2016. 124 p. ISBN 978-9975-128-60-5. [597.2/.5+574.4/5](478) R-47.
- Cartea Roșie a Republicii Moldova, Ediția a III-a, Chișinău: Știința, 2015, ISBN 978-9975-67-985-5 USATÎI, A.; USATÎI, M.; TODERAȘ, I.; ȘAPTEFRAȚI, N. Peștii apelor Moldovei. Ch.: Tipografia Centrală, 2015. 192 p. ISBN.
- Bulat Dumitru, Bulat Denis, Toderaș Ion, Usatîi Marin, Zubcov Elena, Ungureanu Laurenția. Biodiversitatea, bioinvazia și bioindicația (în studiul faunei piscicole din Republica Moldova). Chișinău: S. n., 2014 (Tipografia "Foxtrot"). 430p. ISBN 978-9975-120-38-8. [597.2/.5 +574.62]:639.2(478) B 53.
- Usatîi Marin. Rădăcini și aripi (Bibliografie). Chișinău : S.n., 2014 (Î.S. F.E. –P. Tipografia Centrală). -160 p. ISBN 978-9975-53-407-9; 597.2/.5:[016+929] R 14.
Scientific articles:
- Bulat Dm., Bulat Dn., Davideanu A., Popescu Irinel E., Davideanu Gr. Romania – Republic of Moldova joint study concerning the fish fauna in Stânca-Costeşti reservoir. In: AACL Bioflux 9(3):550-563. 2016. ISSN 1844-9166
- Bulat Dm., Bulat Dn., Toderaş I., Usatîi M., Zubcov E., Ungureanu L., Fulga N. Fenomenul bioinvaziei în ihtiofauna Republicii Moldova. În: Revista Columna N.7, 2018, Academia Română. p. 69-81. ISSN 2285 – 4878.
- Bulat Dm. Ihtiofauna fluviului Nistru și a râului Prut în limitele Republicii Moldova În: Revista Columna N.8, 2019, Academia Română, p. 61-71. ISSN 2285 – 4878
- Bulat Dm. Unele considerații cu privire la protecția și ameliorarea ihtiofaunei Republicii Moldova. În: Revista Columna N.8, 2019, Academia Română. p. 72-80. ISSN 2285 – 4878.
- Булат Дм. Е., Булат, Д. Е. Тодераш И. К., Усатый М. А., Зубкова Е. И., Унгуряну, Л. Н. Фулга Н. И., Крепис О. И., Шаптефраць Н. Г. Чужеродные Виды Рыб Республики Молдова. В: Научный Журнал Евразийский Союз Ученых (ЕСУ) #7(64), 2019. с. 9-18 ISSN 2411-6467
- Crepis O., Usatîi M., Șaptefrați N., Usatîi A., Bulat Dm., Bulat Dn., Cebanu A., Dadu A. Starea structural-funcțională a loturilor de reproducători a scrumbiei migratoare în fluviul Nistru și dezvoltarea principiilor științifice ale managementului bioproductivităţii. În: Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Moldovei. Ştiinţele vieţii. 2018, 2 (335), p 78-85. ISSN 1857-064X. (Categoria B)
- Bulat Dm., Toderaş I., Fulga N., Bulat Dn., Crepis O., Şaptefraţi N., Dadu A. Progresia biologică a guvizilor în Republica Moldova: cauzele determinante și metodele de control numeric. Studia Universitatis Moldaviae. Seria „Științe reale și ale naturii” N.1(111) 2018. p 48-55. ISSN 1814-3237, (Categoria B)
- Bulat Dn., Ciornea V., Bulat Dm. Starea ihtiofaunei râului Bâc în anul 2018. Studia Universitatis Moldaviae. Seria „Ştiinţe reale şi ale naturii” 2018 N.6 (116) 2018. ISSN 1814-3237. p 14-19. (Categoria B)
- Bulat, D. Starea ihtiofaunei principalelor ecosisteme acvatice din Republica Moldova și măsurile de ameliorare Acta et commentationes (Ştiinţe Exacte și ale Naturii). 2019, nr. 1(7), 21-7. ISSN 2537-6284. (Cat. B+)
- Fulga N.I., Toderash I. K., Bulat Dm. E., Bulat Den. E., Railyan N.K. Morphofunctional Characteristics of the Ovaries of Pumpkinseed Lepomis gibbosus (Linnaeus, 1758) from the Kuchurgan Reservoir (Cooling Pond of the Moldavian Regional Power Plant) Russian Journal of Biological Invasions, 2019, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 74–78. ISSN 2075-1117.
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