On February 13, 2025, students of the 12th "A" and 12th "B" grades from the "Mihail Sadoveanu" Theoretical High from Chisinau made an educational visit to the Institute of Zoology, Moldova State University.
The main goal of this activity was to familiarize the graduating students with the diversity of fossil mammals, birds, reptiles, mollusks, etc. from the Museum of Fossil Faunistic Complexes of Moldova, the collection of current terrestrial vertebrates of the Laboratory of Terrestrial Vertebrates and the Museum of Entomology. Students were guided by scientific researchers, who with great dedication and passion explained the specifics of the research field: Victoria Nistreanu, dr.habil., associate professor, Roman Croitor, dr. habil., Natalia Sochircă, PhD, associate professor, Alina Larion, PhD, associate professor Viorica Pascari (Laboratory of Terrestrial Vertebrates), Galina Bușmachiu, dr. habil., associate professor, Svetlana Bacal, dr.habil., associate professor and Cristina Țugulea, PhD (Laboratory of Entomology).
Visit was interactive and informative. Students had the opportunity to enrich their theoretical knowledge, accumulated within the biology classes, on the importance of preserving biodiversity, scientific and cultural heritage. They put lots questions regarding the scientific activity within the Institute of Zoology and stated that this visit aroused their interest in the fields of research, which could influence their choice of profession in the future.
High school administration and the students, together with their parents, express their sincerely gratitude to the scientific researches of the Institute of Zoology for the valuable experience they had and the friendly way in which they were received.
Natalia Sochircă, PhD in biological sciences, associate professor
Alina Larion, PhD in biological sciences, associate professor