The employees of the Institute of Zoology donate financial means equivalent to the salary for 1 working day in support of refugees from Ukraine. ...
The Board of Directors of the Research Institutes, on behalf of all employees of the public law organizations in the field of research and innovation they lead, expresses its full solidarity with the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people for the right to decide sovereignly their destiny and achieve their European vocation. The cause of the Ukrainian people is right and legitimate, as sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of the state are being threatened. Ukraine is subject to an external military aggression that is not part of the logic of human civilization in the 21st ...
Methodological guide for monitoring the hydropower impact on transboundary river ecosystems was elaborated in the frame of the international project eMS BSB 165 Creating a system of innovative transboundary monitoring of the Black Sea river ecosystems transformation under impacts of hydropower development and climate change – HydroEcoNex (Joint Operational Program Black Sea Basin 2014-2020, financed by the European Union). Work, published separately in Romanian and English, is a co-production of five organisations-partners within the HydroEcoNex project: Institute of Zoology, International ...