Natalia Dibolscaia, a young researcher at the Institute of Zoology, received a scholarship from the World Federation of Scientists

Natalia Dibolscaia, a young researcher at the Institute of Zoology, received a scholarship from the World Federation of Scientists

We are happy to announce that Natalia Dibolscaia, trainee scientific researcher in the Laboratory of Terrestrial Vertebrates, will benefit from March 1, 2022 of the scholarship in the field "Global Monitoring of the Planet”, with the research topic “Monitoring of bat species in the urban environment of the Republic of Moldova”.

It is worth to mention that Natalia is a PhD student at the specialty 165.02. Zoology within the Doctoral School of Biological, Geonomic, Chemical and Technological Sciences, organizing doctoral institution – the State University of Moldova, scientific advisor – Dr. Victoria Nistreanu.

We cordially congratulate her and wish her health, much inspiration and achievements in research!
