The Institute of Zoology at the PRO INVENT Scientific Research, Innovation and Invention Salon, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2020
In November 18-20, 2020, at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, the PRO INVENT Scientific Research, Innovation and Invention Salon, 18th edition, was held on-line.
At this edition of the PRO INVENT International Salon, the works presented by the researchers of the Institute of Zoology were awarded 7 Gold Medals:
- Derjanschi Valeriu, Elisoveţcaia Dina, Calestru Livia, Stahi Nadejda, Baban Elena. Process for preparing an insecticidal solution for extraroot treatment of plants against Leptinotarsa decemlineata.
- Crepis Oleg, Bulat Dumitru, Usatîi Marin, Bulat Denis, Şaptefraţi Nicolae, Usatîi Adrian. Installation for ecological and industrial reproduction of pelagophilic fish.
- Ungureanu Laurenția, Toderaş Ion, Cebotari Valentina, Gheorghită Cristina, Ungureanu Grigore, Tumanova Daria. Green algae strains - sources of biologically active substances used in aquaculture and apiculture.
- Toderaș Ion, Melnic Maria, Rusu Ștefan, Erhan Dumitru, Lungu Angela, Onofraș Leonid, Toderaș Vasile, Slanina Valerina, Gliga Olesea. Procedure in the treating of seed potatoes infested with potato tuber nematode Ditylenchus destructor.
- Toderaş Ion, Rusu Ştefan, Savin Anatol, Erhan Dumitru, Ciocoi Oleg, Zamornea Maria, Grosu Gheorghe, Gologan Ion. Composition and procedure for food suplimented and antiparasitic of hares.
- Moldovan Anna, Munteanu-Molotievskiy Natalia, Toderaș Ion. Strain of Beauveria bassiana fungi as a bioinsecticide against weevils.
- Toderaş Ion, Gologan Ion, Rusu Ştefan, Erhan Dumitru, Bulat Dumitru, Bulat Denis, Chihai Oleg, Zamornea Maria, Gherasim Elena. Composition and procedure for deparasitizing and complementary feeding of common carp (Cyprinus carpio Linnaeus, 1758).
Congratulations to the Laureates!
Ștefan Tiron