The researchers of the Institute of Zoology, as other researchers of the Moldova State University, participated on 16 May 2024 in the International Salon of Invention and Innovative Entrepreneurship, organized by the Institute of Research, Innovation and Technology Transfer of the „Ion Creanga” State Pedagogical University from Chisinau in partnership with the Public Association “Innovation in Performance Education”.
Two patented elaborations were presented, gold medals being awarded for each of them:
- Crepis Oleg, Bulat Dumitru, Zubcov Elena, Bulat Denis. Ecobiological modeling of natural reproduction of tench (Tinca tinca) in water bodies of Moldova;
- Rusu Ştefan, Erhan Dumitru, Savin Anatol, Toderaş Ion, Zamornea Maria, Chihai Oleg, Rusu Viorelia, Gologan Ion. Method for assessing the sensitivity of cervids to stress factors.
At the homonymous book salon, the following works were appreciated:
- Bușmachiu Galina, Bacal Svetlana, Enciu Elena, Țugulea Cristina, Derjanschi Valeriu, Grozdeva Svetlana, Burduja Daniela, Paladi Viorica. Fauna of the Prutul de Jos Biosphere Reserve. Invertebrates (in Romanian) – gold medal;
- Bușmachiu Galina, Grozdeva Svetlana, Derjanschi Valeriu, Bacal Svetlana, Calestru Livia, Belova Victoria, Țugulea Cristina, Mînzat Cristian, Tăușan Ionuț, Șuleșco Tatiana, Cuza Petru. Fauna of the Plaiul Fagului Reserve. Invertebrates (in Romanian) – gold medal;
- Erhan Dumitru, Gherasim Elena. Helmintic fauna of amphibians and reptiles in the Republic of Moldova. Trematoda. Volume I (in Romanian) – gold medal;
- Gherasim Elena, Erhan Dumitru. Helmintic fauna of amphibians and reptiles in the Republic of Moldova. Trematoda. Volume II (in Romanian) – gold medal;
- Guidance on the monitoring of water quality and assessment of the ecological status of aquatic ecosystems (editors: Bilețchi Lucia, Zubcov Elena) – gold medal;
- Nistreanu Victoria, Paladi Viorica, Țurcan Vladimir, Larion Alina, Obadă Theodor, Savin Anatolie, Caldari Vladislav. Fauna of the Prutul de Jos Biosphere Reserve. Terrestrial vertebrates (in Romanian) – gold medal;
- Țurcan Vladimir, Munteanu Andrei, Zubcov Nicolai, Bogdea Larisa, Buciuceanu Ludmila, Nistreanu Victoria, Savin Anatolie, Sîtnic Veaceslav, Larion Alina. Fauna of the Plaiul Fagului Reserve. Terrestrial vertebrates (in Romanian) – gold medal;
- Bușmachiu Galina. Fauna of Collembola (Hexapoda: Collembola) from the Republic of Moldova (in Romanian) – silver medal;
- Savin Anatolie. Species of hunting importance from the fauna of the Republic of Moldova (in Romanian) – silver medal;
- Țurcan Vladimir. Snake fauna (Reptilia: Serpentes) from the Republic of Moldova (in Romanian) – silver medal.
Moreover, in appreciation of the participation with a large number of works, the Institute of Zoology was honoured with the Special Prize of the book salon.
Congratulations to the authors!
Lucia Bilețchi, dr., assoc.prof.