On 11 February, the scientific community celebrates the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, as result of the United Nations General Assembly resolution A/RES/70/212 adopted in December 2015. The initiative had the aim to promote the employment of women and girls in the sciences, to encourage the career development and participation in the decision-making processes in science, to recognize the achievements of women in science.
Currently, 45 women researchers are employed at the Institute of Zoology, making up 48.4% of the total number of researchers. Among them, 3 hold the title of doctor habilitat and 27 - the doctor of sciences. The youngest researcher is only 23 years old, and the most experienced is 77 years old.
The scientific merits of the woman researchers of the Institute of Zoology were appreciated in 2021 with diplomas of the Government (Dr. Assoc.Prof. Victoria Nistreanu), Ministry of Education and Research (Dr. Assoc.Prof. Nina Bagrin, Dr. Assoc.Prof. Lucia Biletchi), Academy of Sciences of Moldova (Corr.Mem. Elena Zubcov, Dr.Hab. Prof. Laurentia Ungureanu, Dr. Assoc.Prof. Livia Calestru, Dr. Assoc.Prof. Victoria Nistreanu, Dr. Assoc.Prof. Nina Bagrin, Dr. Daria Tumanova, Dr.Hab. Assoc.Prof. Galina Busmachiu), National Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Research (Dr.Hab. Prof. Laurentia Ungureanu).
Ladies also excel in the management of the Institute of Zoology: they lead 2 of the 3 research projects carried out within the State Program 2020-2023 (Corr.Mem. Elena Zubcov, Dr.Hab. Assoc.Prof. Galina Busmachiu), 2 of the 3 centers of research (Corr.Mem. Elena Zubcov, Dr. Assoc.Prof. Victoria Nistreanu), 6 of the 7 subdivisions of primary level (Dr.Hab. Assoc.Prof. Galina Bușmachiu, Dr. Assoc.Prof. Alina Larion, Dr. Nadejda Andreev, Dr. Assoc.Prof. Valentina Cebotari, Dr. Elena Roșcov, Dr. Elena Gherasim).
Traditionally, the Ministry of Education and Research awarded the Honorary Diplomas to some of the most outstanding women working in the fields of research and innovation today, including Mrs. Livia Calestru, Dr. Assoc.Prof., leading scientific researcher in the Laboratory of Entomology, vice director for scientific activity of the Institute of Zoology.
On the occasion of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we wish all woman researchers a lot of health, confidence in a better future of science in the Republic of Moldova, more moments of exceeding the personal targets and of enjoyment of professional performance!
Administration of the Institute of Zoology: Laurentia Ungureanu, Livia Calestru, Lucia Biletchi