Today, 19 August 2022, the implementation period of the project 2SOFT/1.2/47 Team up for healthy fish in aquaculture systems of the Prut river basin – TeamUp HealthyFish, funded by the European Union within the Joint Operational Program Romania-Republic of Moldova 2014-2020, has ended. The project has been carried out by the Institute of Zoology in partnership with the Ion Ionescu de la Brad University of Life Sciences from Iași during 21 months, starting in November 2020, and has had a total budget of around 198 thousand euro.
The project aimed to improve the health status of cultured fish and strengthen the research and fish farming capacity, for ensuring the more efficient production in aquaculture systems of the Prut river basin.
More details regarding the implementation of the project TeamUp HealthyFish can be found on the project website http://teamup-healthyfish.com/.
The Decision of the State Agency on Intellectual Property of the Republic of Moldova no. 10110 from 11 August 2022 on the granting of the short-term patent entitled „Procedure of rearing of cyprinid brooders in ponds”, authors - Zubcov Elena, MD; Zubcov Natalia, MD; Ungureanu Laurenţia, MD; Bagrin Nina, MD; Miron Liviu-Dan, RO; Bulat Denis, MD; Ciorba Petru, MD; Bileţchi Lucia, MD; Andreev Nadejda, MD, can be considered the last major achievement of the project team. The invention relates to fish farming and can be used to stimulate the development of cyprinid brooders in ponds.
In addition, on 18 August 2022 (15.00-16.30, resuming at 00-01.30), the project team members Elena Zubcov, Nadejda Andreev, Dumitru Bulat and Ion Gologan, together with representatives of the fish enterprises Acinos Agro SRL, SA Piscicultorul, SA Caracuda and of the National Association of Fish Farmers, participated in the discussions within the Eco Monitor program of the Vocea Basarabiei radio channel.
Although the project implementation period has ended, the project execution period continues and will last until the submission of the project final report and its approval by the Management Authority of JOP RO-MD 2014-2020.
Leaflet on the TeamUp HealthyFish project Download
Lucia Bilețchi, Nadejda Andreev