The brochure „Ladybugs (Insecta: Coccinelidae) from the Republic of Moldova”, authors – Bușmachiu Galina, Bacal Svetlana, Burduja Daniela, Calestru Livia and Belova Victoria, includes the study of the diversity of ladybug species in the country – the best-known group of coleopterous insects, preferred and loved by children.
For the first time for the Republic of Moldova, there were described 48 species of ladybugs, which belong to 28 genera and 7 tribes and were found in forests, parks, gardens and agrocenoses. As some of them are rare and little-studied species, this work can be used as a guide in the identification of ladybug species and for getting acquainted with their distribution, biology, ecology and practical importance. Pictures of adults and larvae are presented for each species and their defining characters are described.
The brochure includes the information about the role of ladybirds in nature, as consumers of phytophagous pest species of both wild and cultivated plants, their importance in biological control and plant protection, in regulating the number of pests, including mites, thrips, plant lice, whiteflies etc. and, as result, in increasing the national economy.
The work is addressed to a wide circle of readers, being developed as a scientific-didactic material with the aim of popularizing knowledge of entomology and the protection of useful insect species. It is useful for entomologists, biologists, ecologists, teachers from university and pre-university educational institutions, students, pupils, for all nature lovers, including insects and research enthusiasts.
To download the book (in Romanian), access the compartment New publications.
Galina Bușmachiu