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    Branta ruficolis (Pallas, 1769). Photo Viorica Paladi

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    Bombus lucorum (Linnaeus, 1761). Photo Galina Bușmachiu

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    Cygnus olor (Gmelin, 1789). Photo Viorica Paladi

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    Dryomys nitedula (Pallas, 1778). Photo Victoria Nistreanu

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    Asio otus (Linnaeus, 1758). Photo Victoria Nistreanu

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    Lacerta viridis (Laurenti, 1768). Photo Dumitru Bulat

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    Oryctes nasicornis (Linnaeus, 1758). Photo Viorica Paladi

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    Pelophylax lessonae (Camerano, 1882). Photo Elena Gherasim

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    Natrix natrix (Linnaeus, 1758). Photo Viorica Paladi

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    Myocastor coypus (Molina, 1782). Photo Viorica Paladi

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The methodological guide "Best Practices in Traditional Aquaculture," authors Bulat Dumitru and Bulat Denis, reflects the basic knowledge regarding traditional fish farming technologies and the prospects for using and adapting domestic aquaculture in the context of climate change in the Republic of Moldova. A large number of issues are discussed, such as the general factors influencing the natural fish productivity of aquatic objectives, specific site conditions (climatic zone, quality of supply water, soil nature, etc.) and special factors related to technological operations, directed and ...
The works of the Institute of Zoology, Moldova State University, were presented in June at two specialised events from Romania and namely at the EUROINVENT European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation, the 16th edition, 6-8 June 2024, Iași, and the International Exhibition of Inventions and Innovations "Traian Vuia”, the 10th edition, 13-15 June 2024, Timișoara. Silver medals were awarded for the two patents presented at the EUROINVENT exhibition: CREPIS Oleg, BULAT Dumitru, ZUBCOV Elena, BULAT Denis. Ecobiological modeling of natural reproduction of tench (Tinca tinca) in water bodies of ...
The book „Ichthyofauna of the Dniester River (within the territorial limits of the Republic of Moldova)”, authored by Bulat Dumitru, Șaptefrați Nicolae, Bulat Denis and Dadu Ana, presents the results of scientific research and multiyear ichthyological observations in the macro-ecosystem of the Dniester River under the conditions of increasing anthropogenic factors. It was found that the fish fauna is largely influenced by habitat fragmentation due to dam construction, riverbed embankment and drainage of ponds, gravel and sand extraction, irreversible water usage in various economic activities ...