Awards of EUROINVENT and Traian Vuia exhibitions for the researchers of the Institute of Zoology

Awards of EUROINVENT and Traian Vuia exhibitions for the researchers of the Institute of Zoology

The works of the Institute of Zoology, Moldova State University, were presented in June at two specialised events from Romania and namely at the EUROINVENT European Exhibition of Creativity and Innovation, the 16th edition, 6-8 June 2024, Iași, and the International Exhibition of Inventions and Innovations "Traian Vuia”, the 10th edition, 13-15 June 2024, Timișoara.

Silver medals were awarded for the two patents presented at the EUROINVENT exhibition:

  1. CREPIS Oleg, BULAT Dumitru, ZUBCOV Elena, BULAT Denis. Ecobiological modeling of natural reproduction of tench (Tinca tinca) in water bodies of Moldova;
  2. RUSU Ştefan, ERHAN Dumitru, SAVIN Anatol, TODERAŞ Ion, ZAMORNEA Maria, CHIHAI Oleg, RUSU Viorelia, GOLOGAN Ion. Method for assessing the sensitivity of cervids to stress factors.

The following books were appreciated at the EUROINVENT Technical-Scientifical, Artistic and Literary Book Salon:

  1. GARBUZ Olga, GUDUMAC Valentin, TODERAS Ion, GULEA Aurelian. Antioxidant properties of synthetic compounds and natural products. Action mechanisms. Gold medal
  2. BUȘMACHIU Galina, BACAL Svetlana, ENCIU Elena, ȚUGULEA Cristina, DERJANSCHI Valeriu, GROZDEVA Svetlana, BURDUJA Daniela, PALADI Viorica. Fauna Rezervației Biosferei „Prutul de Jos”. Nevertebrate. Diploma of Excellence
  3. RUSU Ștefan. Parazitofauna, impactul parazitozelor asupra speciilor principale de importanţă cinegetică, profilaxia şi tratamentul. PALADI Viorica. Fauna Rezervației Biosferei „Prutul de Jos”. Nevertebrate. Diploma of Excellence

Traian Vuia exhibition offered gold medals for inventions:

  1. CREPIS Oleg, BULAT Dumitru, ZUBCOV Elena, BULAT Denis. Process for ecologo-industrial reproduction of tench (Tinca tinca) in aquatic ecosystems of different types;
  2. RUSU Ştefan, ERHAN Dumitru, SAVIN Anatol, TODERAŞ Ion, ZAMORNEA Maria, CHIHAI Oleg, RUSU Viorelia, GOLOGAN Ion. Method for assessing the sensitivity of cervids to stress factors.

Congratulations to the authors!


Lucia Bilețchi
