The Institute of Zoology in partnership with the Alexandru Ciubotaru National Botanical Garden (Institute) officially launched on 3 April 2024 the project “Assessment of the state of plant, fungi and animal species, development of the list of species with rarity status and the algorithm for their presentation in the 4th edition of the Red Book of the Republic of Moldova”.
The event was attended by the scientific researchers of these two research institutes of the Moldova State University, as well as Prof. Igor Sharov, rector of MSU, Prof. Georgeta Stepanov, vice-rector for scientific activity of MSU, Mr. Vladimir Dolghi, vice-rector for economic-financial activity and international relations of MSU, Mr. Nicolae Arnăut, director of the National Office for the Implementation of Projects in the Field of Environment within the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova, Dr. Iordanca-Rodica Iordanov, ex-minister of the environment.
Director of the Institute of Zoology, correspondent member of ASM Laurenția Ungureanu, and the director of the Botanical Garden, Dr. Ion Roșca, presented the objectives of the project, its main activities, the project implementation teams (responsible for management and research groups of activities), argued the need to carry out the project in the context of the protection of animal and plant species with various status of rarity, of compliance with the legal framework in force, first of all, of the Law on the Red Book of the Republic of Moldova no. 325/2005, but also of increasing the level of ecological education of the population. Of particular interest to the audience was the information on the series of commemorative coins "Red Book of the Republic of Moldova", issued over the years by the National Bank of Moldova.
The project will last 24 months (2024-2026) and will have a budget of 12.8 million Moldovan lei, of which 11.4 million lei (89%) is the financing provided by the National Environment Fund, and 1.4 million lei – co-financing from the Moldova State University.
Lucia Bilețchi