On Science Day, ASM Award Laureates Gala gathered researchers to record the valuable results of those who devoted themselves to research. This year the Alexandru Ciubotaru Award of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova in the field of Biology and Ecology was awarded to Dumitru Erhan, doctor habilitate in biological sciences, research professor, and Ștefan Rusu, doctor in biological sciences, associate professor, for their valuable scientific achievements obtained in 2021-2022 and included in the work cycle "Associated parasites in domestic and wild animals, impact on the host organism, prophylaxis and treatment".
During the research, the problem of the functioning of polyparasitoses was systematically addressed, completed with the establishment of the extensiveness and intensity of mono- and polyinvasions in cattle in the Republic of Moldova in various periods of time, depending on age, type of reactivity to stress, geographical areas and maintenance technology. The impact of mono- and polyinvasions on some indices of the morphofunctional, biochemical, productive and curative status of domestic and wild animal species from the hunting fauna was identified and evaluated. The obtained results are the basis for the diagnosis of parasitosis in domestic animal species of hunting importance and the correction of diagnostic, prophylaxis and treatment methods. As a final result, the productivity of animals is beneficially influenced, which contributes to the efficiency of the national economy.
The video recording of the ASM Award Laureates Gala can be viewed HERE.
Congratulations to the Laureates and best wishes for new achievements!
Text: Dr. Olesea Gliga, Head of the Laboratory of Parasitology and Helminthology, Institute of Zoology, MSU
Photo: Moldova State University