The Institute of Zoology participated in the Festival of Forests

The Institute of Zoology participated in the Festival of Forests

On Saturday, 21 September 2024, the Institute of Zoology participated in the Festival of Forests – a large-scale event, held on the territory of the presidential residence in Condrița (Strășeni district). The festival was organized by the Association of Environmental Journalists and the Ecological Society "Biotica" and, in fact, constituted an analogue of the Moldova Environment Day.

In the exhibition area of the festival, the Institute of Zoology presented pieces from the Museum of Fossil Faunistic Complexes, entomological collections (species of insects from various orders), aquatic organisms (molluscs, crustaceans, aquatic insects). Visitors were curious to learn about the existence of pharyngeal teeth in the pharyngeal arch of the throat of cyprinids, the diversity of bats on the territory of our country, to look under the microscope at permanent mounts of parasitic worms. As usual, both adults and children were excited to flip through pages of the Red Book of the Republic of Moldova and find out the criteria for including species in the Red Book.

The festival was also a great opportunity to meet specialists working in natural scientific reserves, employees of various environmental agencies.

The administration of the Institute of Zoology sincerely thanks the researchers, who were fully engaged in this activity of disseminating scientific achievements to the general public:
- Dr. Livia Calestru, Dr. Hab. Galina Busmachiu, Dr.Hab. Svetlana Bacal, Dr. Elena Enciu (Laboratory of Entomology);
- Dr. Alina Larion, Viorica Pascari, Denis Zaharov, Natalia Dibolscaia (Laboratory of Terrestrial Vertebrates);
- Dr. Ion Gologan (Laboratory of Parasitology and Helminthology);
- Dr. Liubovi Lebedenco, Dr. Natalia Borodin (Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Ecotoxicology);
- Ana Dadu, Dr.Hab. Dumitru Bulat, Dr. Denis Bulat (Laboratory of Ichthyology and Aquaculture).


Text: Lucia Bilețchi

Photo: Lucia Bilețchi, Livia Calestru, Liubovi Lebedenco, Alina Larion, Ana Dadu
