At the meeting from 12 January 2022, in order to streamline the process of preparing scientific personnel by PhD programs, motivate the young people to engage in research, development and innovation, the Government of the Republic of Moldova approved the Government Decision on awarding the Government Scholarship of Excellence and Scholarship on scientific fields for PhD students for 2022.
We are happy to announce that Petru Ciorba, trainee scientific researcher in the Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Ecotoxicology, PhD student at the specialty 166.01. Ecology, 3rd year with attendance, Doctoral School of Biological, Geonomic, Chemical and Technological Sciences (organizing doctoral institution: State University of Moldova, scientific supervisor: Elena Zubcov, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Doctor Habilitat, Professor) will benefit in 2022 of the scholarship in the science field Natural sciences.
We congratulate him cordially and wish him health, a lot of inspiration and tenacity in the research activity!