The Section of Live Sciences of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (ASM) organised the round table with international participation „Water quality in the aquatic ecosystems” on 28 January 2025.
Event was led by the President of ASM, Academician Ion Tighineanu, and the Vice President of the Section of Live Sciences, Academician Ion Toderaș. The round table took place in a hybrid format, with physical presence in the Small Hall of the ASM and online, on the ZOOM communication platform.
Correspondent member of the ASM Elena Zubcov, head of the Laboratory of Hydrobiology and Ecotoxicology of the Institute of Zoology, Moldova State University, made a report on the state of transboundary aquatic ecosystems of the Republic of Moldova, presenting the research approaches and results of complex investigations on the state of ecosystems in the hydrographic basins of the Dniester and Prut Rivers, which were carried out within a range of national (AQUABIO 2020-2023, subprogram 010701 – ZOOAQUATERRA of the Moldova State University, project no. 01-23p-074/02-78-2024 implemented by the NGO „Ecotox” and financed by the Environmental National Fund) and international (BSB27 MONITOX, BSB165 HydroEcoNex, 2SOFT1/2/47- TeamUp HealthyFish) projects.
Academician Boris Gaina and habilitated doctor, professor Antoaneta Ene, Dunărea de Jos University of Galați, Romania, participated in the discussion on the subject addressed.
The round table involved the members of the Presidium of ASM and its Section of Live Sciences, researchers of the Institute of Zoology and other research institutions. It was attended online by the representatives of the Ministry of Environment, Environmental Projects National Implementation Office (ONIPM), Agency „Apele Moldovei”, Austrian Development Agency (ADA), Black and Azov Seas Center for Hydrometeorology (Odessa, Ukraine) etc.
The full video recording of the roundtable is available at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vzv-_6fzOBE&t=2s.
Text and photo: Corr.mem. Elena Zubcov
Translation into English: PhD Lucia Bilețchi